
Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Wednesday, Beautiful Wednesday

We found a babysitter. Her name is Camille and the kids absolutely adore her. She helped out between friends watching the kids while I was on the cruise and now I have her coming every Wednesday morning. She's come now for three Wednesday mornings in a row and it's so great! I've been able to get errands done, catch up on work, you name it. I feel so free when I leave the house on Wednesday morning and set out on my own. Today I cleaned out our increasingly gross car, went to the dollar store and now I'm at the library, catching up on my blog and writing up the curriculum for my summer classes (they're filling up with some really good kids and I'm getting excited about them). Just as I sat down and got settled here, a huge black lizard nearly ran across my toes. I told the man at the circulation desk and he just shrugged and said that lizard's been in here for a couple days and no one can catch him. Now I feel like I've got to keep my feet up! This guy is no ordinary lizard – he must be at foot long. I come here to escape the kids and I've got a lizard after me! But I doubt the lizard will get in my face and insist on my attention like the kids do so I'm good.


  1. HOORAY!!! I'm so happy for you!

  2. so thrilled for you...lets get together for a day at the park!
