
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Sitting Here in my Workout Clothes...

I'm sitting here in my work out clothes. I've been in them since first thing this morning when I thought I'd head right down to the clubhouse and work out as soon as I got the kids off to school. But somehow after replying to a few emails and getting some phone calls, I ended up having to rush down to the club house to meet up with friends for our weekly swim morning and I figured I'd just stay down there after they left and work out then.

But a couple hours later when the swimming was done, some people were having a meeting in the clubhouse so I couldn't really work out in there right then. So I headed home and decided to work out at home. But then I saw another couple emails I that seemed somewhat urgent. Then the big kids got home from school and brought 3 friends with them. I thought 4 boys made a lot of noise and ruckus but now there are 7 boys in the house and I see that 4 boys really don't make much noise at all. So here I am at 4:30pm, still in my workout clothes and feeling quite unaccomplished. I guess it's good I didn't work out so I didn't have to wash my hair yet - I just got it cut yesterday and I'll never be able to style it as well as the hairdresser did - wish I had somewhere fancy to go with this nice new hair. But I bet the girls and leaders will appreciate it tonight at Young Women's. I've got a LOT less hair on my head now and so far it feels great.

So that's my day. Some days are just like this. But as my work-out sessions during the day get increasingly hard to cram into everything that just keeps on happening, I've come to terms with the fact that I need to get up early to exercise. I did it for quite a while last year and it was painful every time when that alarm went off but once I dragged myself out of bed and got going, it always felt great to get my workout in first thing. OK - I'm ready - there's no other way - I can do this! I'm going running early tomorrow morning. I will, I will, I will!

Then I'll wash my hair and see if I can figure out how to do this seriously minimized head of hair of mine without professional help. Just thinking of how much faster and easier it will be to wash and brush out my hair now makes me feel so good. For years now I've dreaded the long painful brushing out of my hair after showering - finally that's one "dread" put behind me!


  1. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I feel your pain. No matter what time the alarm sounds, it is always too soon! Too bad we aren't neighbors--we could be workout buddies! I'd gladly crawl out of bed to exercise with you.

  2. Where's the picture of the haircut??
