
Friday, October 23, 2009

Mikalla's Wedding

The kids' first cousin and our first neice was married yesterday. What a beautiful couple and lovely wedding! Jared's oldest brother Brian raised his family across the street from the home where Jared grew up so Mikalla was like a little sister to him. Jared got a little teary remembering how Mikalla used to come give him a big hug at the end of all his football basketball games in high school. And now she's home from a mission and married. Are we getting old or what?

Brian and Karen's great kids

I love the Logan temple - the rough-hewn stones, the castle-like architecture,
the fact that my grandparents on both sides and
my parents and Jared's parents were all married here.

After the wedding in Logan, we came up here to Ashton, ID for the reception and it's so fun to be here in the fall with all the leaves to jump in and the muted fall colors that are so different from what we see every summer and winter when we're here. We love Ashton. Tonight we get to go to Mikalla's brother Marks big football game that could take them to State. Jared will get to relive his glory days as a high school football star via Mark - should be fun - and COLD!
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  1. Beautiful photos, Saren. Glad we could see you this weekend. Hope you made it home safely.

  2. cool, sar! fun times. sad i missed you guys when you were at baliwood. love you so much!

  3. What a beautiful bride! It was so fun to see you on your way. Loved having everyone around, even though we saw a dumb movie and had a few other things on our plate! Thanks for sharing these great pictures!
