
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lunch with the Twins

I took the time today to really sit down and talk with the twins at lunchtime. Usually I'm throwing food on their plates and urging them to hurry and eat while I try to cram in a bite or two myself so we can rush off to the next appointment. But I sat down with them and let them lead the conversation and we had a lovely lunch. Here's a little snippet of our conversation (they were at preschool this morning - you can tell the theme for the preschool lesson today from this):

Silas: Did you know the pilgrims had a boat named the Mayflower?
Me: Oh, was it really a flower?
Silas: No, silly, it was a BOAT but they NAMED it the Mayflower because that's a pretty name.
Oliver: They had to go on that boat because they only had BAD churches in their world so they wanted to go to a new world.
Silas: But at that new world there were NO houses and NO grocery stores and NO churches at all (with big hand gestures).
Me: So what did they do?
Oliver: They had to build everything.
Me: Was that hard?
Silas: Well, they had no food.
Me: So what did they do?
Oliver: Their Nagift American friends had to help them.
Me: Oh, their Indian friends?
Oliver: No - their NAGIFT American friends.
Silas: And they had a big big party with their friends after they got all the food. And that's how Thanksgiving was born!

Then we jumped right into a discussion about Star Wars light sabers followed by a little information about how a girl named Ella was having problems listening in preschool today. They talked about how yummy pickles are and had a good chuckle about how silly I was to forget to take off my shoes when we came in the house after preschool.

I love how these guys put things together in their minds!

The other day, we were talking about what words are polite words (they've been learning about the magic words in Joy School). After suggesting several polite words, Oliver said, "Some words that are NOT polite are square words. Square words are BAD." I agreed wholeheartedly. No square words allowed around here.

I need to take the time to just really listen to these sweet wonderful boys of mine more often. They're growing up too fast!


  1. How absolutely adorable! Speaking of Mayflower, have you read it? It was our RS Book Club book this month and it is totally fascinating. By the time they got here, I'm sure that the pilgrims WISHED it was a flower. There wasn't a flower in sight!

    Hug those two cuties for us!

  2. Wow, they are growing up! I love reading about how they are growing up...

  3. The pre-school years are just the best! Those four and five year olds say such sweet, cute, funny things. I love it! Square words . . . that's good.
