On our website, The Power of Moms, we're having a photo contest and over the past few days, my email inbox has been filled up almost hourly with wonderful photos of moms and their kids - photos that show joy and love and that have filled up my heart with gratitude that I get to be part of the ranks of wonderful mothers who are changing the world, one hug, one story, one meal at a time.
If you'd like to participate in the photo contest, please send your photos in TODAY! This is the last day we're accepting photos. Click here to see the details of the contest.
Next week, we'll be posting all the photos we received and inviting everyone to come and vote on their favorites. Then we'll be featuring all the top photos on our site, awarding the winners with free Motherhood Book of Secrets books or Learning Circles materials, and using all these wonderful photos to really enhance The Power of Moms.
So if you've got some great photos of you and your kids or want to take some today, send them on in!
So glad you are being flooded with photos!