
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fun Work Weekend

I got back at midnight last night from a wonderful weekend with my mom and sisters. We talked so much that I actually feel "talked out" for once. We laughed. We planned. We made podcasts to be featured on The Power of Moms. We brainstormed ideas for how to use our talents to help all the moms of the world while trying to figure out how to be better moms and people ourselves. And my mom captured it all quite beautifully on her blog (Thanks mom!) - so click below for more details:


  1. Can't wait to hear the podcasts! And I need to plan a sister retreat of my own! I've got five great sisters I never get to see! (But I count you as one of mine...)

  2. Hey Sar! we miss you guys like crazy. Looks like a fun weekend! can't wait to see you in July. I spent a good chunk of time on power of moms today and I totally LOVE it!

  3. How lovely to see a picture of the Eyre ladies, all looking so fabulous! xx
