
Saturday, May 29, 2010

Sometimes people just die...

I just got a rather shocking email from a friend telling me that her son-in-law passed away.  I just met this son-in-law, Karl and his wife Julie a couple weeks ago when they were visiting their mother in St George and needed to borrow some camping equipment.  Karl and Julie seemed to be such cool people.  After we chatted for a few minutes and handed off the camping stuff, Jared and I talked about how we wished we could get to know them better - too bad they live on the other side of the country!

The obituary said Karl died at home of an apparent heart attack.  He was 40.  He sure seemed to be in great health.  He was a wonderful father and husband and scout leader.  He was an amazing high school English teacher.  He was in his prime.

Then he died.  Unexpectedly.  Randomly.

I can't even imagine how his wife and three kids must feel.

I need to cherish my own amazing husband so much more.  What if today were somehow the last day we had together?  I wasn't that nice to him today.  I got bugged with him about several dumb little things.  I didn't hug him or kiss him at all today.  I dragged my feet about the camping trip he set up for us last night.  I didn't tell him how handsome he looked in the campfire light.  I was busy with the kids.  I was tired.  

I don't think he really knows how great I think he is. 

Thanks for the wake-up call, Karl.  Thank you thank you thank you.


  1. Wow. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to tell my husband right now how much I love and appreciate him!

  2. I seem to remember someone fainting at the podium when you were preggers with the twins and everyone had those thoughts floating through their heads (which they emailed me since we were in UT and they were all wishing I had been there).

  3. SO sad! I better hug dad today too!
