
Sunday, June 27, 2010

California Trip

We spent last weekend in California with the Perrys.  We played at the beach and worked hard on lots of Power of Moms stuff.  It's such a wonderful blessing that our kids really really like each other and so do our husbands!  We put together marketing plans and worked hard on some great new stuff for Mind Organization for Moms and The Bloom Game.  When April and I get talking, we come away with like 100 new ideas every time - and when you throw our husbands in the mix, those ideas are further multiplied.  We often come away feeling an interesting mixture of being totally overwhelmed and totally excited!  But mostly the excitement wins out.

Anyway, while we talked about Power of Moms stuff, our big kids worked together on ideas for their Power of Kids site.  They are so into this site and it's fun to listen in as they brainstorm what sorts of posts would "help kids help make their families totally awesome."  Here they are working away:

And we had a great day at the beach.  It felt so good to snuggle with my little kids (it was a little cold) while watching my big boys body surf.  Eliza and I had a great walk along the beach and she found a half-alive starfish which was a true highlight.  There's nothing like the beach - the sound of the waves, the feel of the wind, the delight of sand and water.  I do miss living near the beach like we did in northern CA for years.

On the way home we stopped off in Vegas to break the trip up a bit.  We watched the Bellagio fountains (they never cease to impress).  We parked in a parking garage and rode on elevators and escalators (the twins' favorite part).  We checked out the gorgeous flower displays at Bellagio and the amazing architecture and design at the brand new Aria hotel/resort/shopping mall - I got my little art and architecture fix.  We met the cutest little old man playing an accordion on an overpass.  It was short and sweet.

Last but certainly not least, we celebrated Father's Day for the best father in the world before leaving for CA (we knew it would be hard to really celebrate Jared on Father's Day itself when we were with another family). We did a surprise Father's Day breakfast the Friday before we left on our trip and the kids were so cute about making the breakfast themselves and picking out really thoughtful gifts and making cute cards for their beloved dad.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! So glad you and April are attached at the hip on this cause! Those kids are just perfect brainstormers!

    We love that Jared almost as much as you guys do! What an amazing dad...and husband!

    See you soon!
