
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Send an email and change a few lives

I think this email I just received points out how easy and important it can be to share The Power of Moms with others.  You never know when you could really change someone's life by simply pointing them in the direction of the website!

I just wanted you to know what an amazing thing Power of Moms really is for women. I sent out an email to a bunch of friends telling them about it and I had some great responses back! One of my sister-in-laws wrote me back and said she joined Power of Moms and was super excited about it and thanked me for letting her know about it. Then I just met another mom - young, newly married with a baby. She shared with me how she misses being a working woman and just doesn't know how to do the mom stuff. Oh, how my heart ached for her! I told her what motherhood means to me and how I love being a mom - and yes it is hard but it is worth every minute!  Anyway, I gave her the website and she looked at it and has since told me thanks so much for the suggestion to get on the website - she's been finding exactly what she needs!
- Brianna Monson

There are SO many moms out there who need the ideas, encouragement and comraderie they can find at The Power of Moms.  We need your help so that we don't leave anyone out.  Send off a few quick emails to friends right now - and I bet that'll make you feel pretty darn good.  Doesn't it always feel good to tell someone else about something that has really helped you?

1 comment:

  1. So true. Mom training and peer support is even more important than business training in my book. We all need to step back and analyze, realize and revitalize!
