
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

First Day of School - Happy and Sad

Jared and I delivered all FIVE kids to school this morning.  I haven't experienced life without a preschooler for almost 11 years.  This is surreal.

The big kids were excited to see their friends again and pleased with the teachers they got.  Eliza was thrilled about the new school uniform she got to wear (Ashton and Isaac weren't crazy about the idea).   Generally, the big kids were happy.  But the twins were exstatic.

The twins were SO excited to start school.  They've been counting down the days forever.  Ever since they were babies, they've been going with me to the school to do various PTA stuff and volunteer in the big kids' classrooms when I couldn't find a babysitter.  That school has been like a second home to them and they couldn't wait to go to "big kid school."  They've never been one bit worried about it.

Me - I'm the one with a few worries.

Not about how they'll do in school.  Ollie and Si are already reading (not sure how that happened - I think it was from watching Word World).  They know how to sit still in class and raise their hands (in fact they were raising their hands to say things at dinner tonight - pretty cute).  They're really good at sharing and listening and being nice for the most part.

I'm not worried about how they'll do without me - I'm worried about how I'll do without them.

I might have happily kissed them goodbye and dropped them off at school when they were two.  Their constant crazy messes just about drove me over the brink several times a week - sometimes several times a day.

But the last couple years, they have been such a joy to have around.  I've loved hearing them play together nearby as I've done my work at the computer. It's been so great to have the pleasant distractions of snack time and story time and game time to break up my work.  Plus I've so loved having them throw their arms around me about 10 times a day to say "I wuv you, mommy."  What will I do without that?

I have plenty - way more than plenty - of work to fill my hours while they're at school and I'm grateful that I'll be able to get my Power of Moms and Joy School stuff done while all the kids are at school and be able to focus more fully on them when they're home.  I know this is good for everyone and I have looked forward to this day.

But how I'll miss all the sweet little distractions of my beautiful fun little boys!

I can hardly believe I've actually reached this point where I have NO preschoolers (I had FIVE for a while there...).  But there are lots of good things about this too.  Jared and I had a very nice extended date after dropping the kids off at school to celebrate our graduation from preschoolers.  I've hardly seen Jared lately between needing to go separate ways a lot this summer and being ultra busy since getting home.  So it was extra nice to head out together to do some shopping and have lunch with no kids tagging along.

So I'll be fine, just fine.  But for all of you out there who are overwhelmed by preschoolers - just know, they really do grow up!  And if you want a good tear-jerker of a post, read this one I did when the twins started preschool and I had some similar mixed emotions...

How did my babies get so big?  The days sure seemed long sometimes but those years - they somehow flew by... Here are the kids year by year...

January 2005 - our 5 preschoolers at the hospital the day after the twins were born
August 2005 - Ashton at the start of Kindergarten, Isaac at the start of preschool 

August 2006 - Ashton starting 1st grade, Isaac starting Kindergarten

August 2007 - Ashton staring 2nd grade, Isaac starting 1st
August 2007 - Eliza pleased as punch about starting preschool
August 2008- Eliza starting Kindergarten, Isaac starting 2nd grade, Ashton starting 3rd grade
August 2008 - Twins starting preschool

August 2009 - Eliza starting 1st grade, Ashton starting 4th, Isaac starting 3rd
(can you tell who likes school the most and likes having her photo taken the most?)

AND HERE'S one more shot of TODAY
(some day I'll figure out how to keep the background from washing out...)


  1. I am reminded of one of my daily mantras, "The days are long but the years are short."

    Enjoy your new found freedom-you deserve it. I have four more years to go and then it will equal 15 years of having a preschooler by my side!...Guess there is a big advantage to having five kids in five years...


  2. Saren, I remember thinking how awful your life would be for just about 5 years, and then how amaing it would be with all of them at the same school, etc.

    You are such a great mom -- and it's true. How nice to reallybe able to focus on kids in the afternoon and have all that work crap out of the way.

    Congrats Saren!

  3. I enjoy reading your blogs..and I'm looking forward to meeting you at the retreat in NH in October! I'd love to learn more about Joy School..

  4. me and ana are just sitting here looking at the photos and reading and we cant believe that you are all back in school and that the little guys are going to big kids school. tell them we love them...and we love you.

  5. ashton's stance/pose/face on that first picture is perfect. he's about to hit the halls as a cool, cool kid. he totally is a cool, cool kid - so it works. loved this post sar! the little guys will soon be big guys and we will still be calling them little guys!

  6. I can't believe they are ALL in school! That is nutty. They look so great, and I'm glad they're so happy about it. Sure love you guys.

  7. oh well done! I joke about what it will be like when all of my are at school but really part of me will be very lost without having anyone at home!!!!!

    oh and I hear you on the twins playing together - people say how do I have time to do everything but I think they forget that having 3 little kids including twins means everyone plays together. Sure, sometimes i need to intervene to teach sharing or pull someone off the other but they really do play together and it's one of the great things about twins

    they all look gorgeous, well done

  8. Oh man I can't believe this! What a fabulous collection of memories! How can that be that all that time has slipped away (not unnoticed I might say).

    Love this precious post. So glad you survived and we'll have it have it to look back on forever!

  9. I agree with Charity...Ashton looks all GQ in the first photo. He'll be such a handsome grown-up man!

  10. This post at this point in my life gives me HOPE! ;) I am trying so hard not to wish these years away (I have 2 year old twins, an 18 month old and another on the way)but it is hard sometimes. I feel like a crazy woman. I can't even imagine what it would be like at this point...but I know I'll miss them and I do try to soak in those chubby cheeks and sweet little smiles daily. It helps...I'm so glad I found your blog. :)

  11. Wonderfully illustrated book to read with children heading off to school for the first time. Helps to alleviate fears and turn the upcoming experience into an adventure. Visit and book search "Poppet Goes to School
