
Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Ahhhhh...  How nice it is to be home!  We missed our Krawnchie Boo.  Our house looks so big and quiet and clean (after sharing a house with 30 other people for a month).  Our own beds feel so wonderful.

The twins had a great doctor appointment in SLC for their "toe-walking" and we feel good about the prognosis - do some "serial casting" and try to lengthen their Achilles tendons by putting on a new cast each week that stretches their tendons just a little more each time.  Then if that doesn't work, do a simple surgery.  They're so darn cute on their tip toes all the time - but it won't be so cute when they get older and they're still walking like ballerinas.  The doctors and nurses at Primary Children's Hospital were so cute with the boys.  I so appreciate it when people are so kind to my kids!

There are like a million things I need to do to catch up (a huge pile of mail, lots of voicemail to respond to, lots of new Joy Schools to help as they get started for the new school year, two new Power of Moms Retreats to finalize...) plus the kids start school next Wednesday so there's school uniform shopping and helping with Back to School Night and all that to do.

But this year, I'm going to be more balanced.  I WILL put more strict boundaries around the time that I spend on this computer and I'm going to enjoy my own motherhood more fully.  I really feel that I'm a much better mother as I think about and teach about how other's can find more purpose, joy and progress in motherhood - but sometimes I rob my own self and my own family when I get going on a consuming project.  I don't even see it happening until the stress really piles up.  I'm going to implement April's Mind Organization for Moms program more completely and do my own Bloom Game more regularly to keep stress at bay and keep myself more balanced in my accomplishments.  And I'm saying this here because it'll make me feel more accountable.  We're always more accountable when we share our goals with others!

So, in keeping with my resolutions, I just took a break and learned all about how they make CD's and DVD's (Oliver asked about this yesterday and I promised we'd look it up today) using this great You Tube clip.  Now Ashton's helping the other kids make a little movie that they'll burn onto a DVD so they can all learn more about how DVDs are made.  I love that they love to learn so much - and I want to be part of it.


  1. Saren!

    First of all, Happy belated birthday! Loved watching the sweet movie your family made. You are one special woman.

    Excited to see that one of the next Retreats will be at the Wentworth By the Sea in New Hampshire. My husband and I just stayed there and had a wonderful time! It is so beautiful! Loved it.
    Wish I could make it, but maybe when the retreats hit the Midwest!
    PS- Kansas City wouldn't be all that bad for a spot?!?!? :)
    Keep up the great work. Still impletmenting what I learned in St. George!

  2. So glad you're home safe! I too am making some new resolutions now that put the last family on the plane this morning. Thanks for always inspiring me!

  3. you're the greatest sar! love you!

  4. nice ashton on the mindstorms! we love you.

  5. so happy for the boys a. tendons.
    new cast every week? at the clinic in SG?
    way to go for getting it done....they can do it together.
    tell them grandfather is cheering for flat feet!
