
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Praying with the Twins

The twins' prayers are generally repetitive.  I've tried encouraging them to mix things up a little and share some things with Heavenly Father that might be sort of new or interesting for Him to hear.  But they mostly just keep to the regular stuff - thanks for the beautiful day, help us be good, please bless daddy...

But tonight when I suggested they might want to say some stuff in their prayers, it seemed to strike a chord for some reason (sometimes there's no real rhyme or reason to why some things we say sink in and others don't...).

Snippet of Oliver's prayer, "Thanks so much for that bright bright moon that looks like one of our cereal bowls cause it's just a half.  Thanks for making the moon for us so we can be happy and so it's not so dark at night.  Thanks that I got to go to school today and be with my uno dos tres teacher today." (that's what he calls his Spanish teacher)

Snippet of Silas's prayer: "Thanks that we could bike ride to school on such a BEAUTIFUL morning even though it was kind of cold - but the sun got warmer after a while.  Thanks for the sun.  And thanks that our mudder can be here with us since our fadder can't be here with us.  And thanks for loving us."

Oh, it's great to get a little peek into the hearts of these sweet boys of mine through their prayers!


  1. Oh man we love those kids! Besides that they have been well taught!

  2. Hi Saren. . . haven't heard from you for a while. . . hoping for an update on the house :)

  3. Awww... Love the name for the Spanish teacher.

  4. love it!

  5. I LOVE these moments! I'm so glad you recorded them. And I'm excited about the "Messy Moments Movement." I think it's going to take off....

    Good luck with all your meetings tomorrow! I'll be thinking of you.

  6. so sweet. I love those little guys!

  7. just gorgeous - I have twin boys too and they say the cutest things - which is lucky because they sure can be trouble some days :)
