
Monday, March 21, 2011

It's Up!

After about 2 million hours of work (or so it seemed), lots of it way too late at night, the new version of The Power of Moms is live.  I'm so grateful to have a husband who is not only very good at building websites, but also willing to work so hard to support me - and all the other moms of the world.   The new back end is so much easier to work, has way more capabilities to do cool things, and we're excited about the new look.

Check it out and let me know what you think!


  1. Looks great, Saren! Congratulations to you and Jared on all your hard work.

    Fun to see the photos and read about the ski trip as well. Hope to join you all some year.


  2. It looks great! I'm gonna go link to it right now!

  3. I wanted to let you know I love it....and posted to fb and others love it too!!! Good job on all the hard work... :)

  4. Saren you are really feeding my thoughts and making me want to step up more in a lot of ways! Thank you for all the work you are putting into this. You are a huge inspiration!

  5. Fabulous looking site! Saydi and I looked at it together just before I left Boston but then couldn't get back to it because I haven't had Internet until now. Can't wait to read more. Tell Jared that Dad and I are VERY impressed. So great!

  6. Love it, love it! It's awesome, Saren.

  7. It looks great Saren!
    Love the fresh new colors.
    I posted this on April's blog too -
    Thank you so much for your countless hours of work. You are an ispiration to us all!
