
Friday, April 08, 2011


Sorry about that last post being a downer.  I'm feeling much better now.  Some days just feel more overwhelming than others, I guess.  But I'm back on the bandwagon of counting my blessings and feeling excited about all the good things in my life.

The radio show yesterday that I was worried about turned out to be pretty fun. it was "A Woman's View" with Amanda Dixon on KSL and it'll air on Sunday.  Amanda gets three women on her show each week and asks them what they think about current events - and you don't get to know the topics she'll address in advance.  I glanced at a few current events on the internet before heading in for the show since I've been totally out of touch with current events with my head in my computer for a month now, working on the website.  But my quick glance at current events didn't end up including anything that Amanda brought up on the show.  She asked about the impending government shut-down, Donald Trump's claim that Obama was not actually born in the US and that he should therefore be disqualified from the presidency, a recent statement by the president of the University of Utah that all Mormons should support the ACLU, whether Tiger Wood's shame will keep him from ever winning again, and whether we'd buy a wedding dress at Costco.  I had to process some quick opinions on the fly!  But it was good for me to use my brain in a different way and hopefully I didn't come off as too terribly clueless.  I just had to laugh at myself.  And now I'm up on a lot of current events!  I listened to talk radio all the way home (the radio thing was in SLC) and resolved to stay at least a little more up on current events.  I guess I wasn't too terrible - Amanda invited me back to do another show in a while...

I was on with Enid Greene (Chair of the Republican Party) and Julie De Azevedo Hanks (singer/songwriter and therapist) who were great to get to know a little better.  What wonderful women.  Enid got me totally caught up on the latest in politics and Julie and I found we've got tons in common with the training topics we each do and we're planning to work together on some things.  Plus Julie's done some beautiful songs on motherhood and April and I have been wanting to find music that we could use for various things on our website.  So all in all, it turned out great.

This morning I get to go record some podcasts for The Round Table and I'm so excited.  I love talking with these great women and exploring what we each think about fascinating topics.  Today we're talking about our perceptions on sexuality and body image - what we were taught by our parents, our church and our society growing up and what we now perceive.  Should be interesting!  The podcasts we do today will be up in a week or so.

It snowed all day yesterday and all night last night.  It's beautiful this morning.  But COME ON!!!


  1. Saren - you are awesome! I'm sure you soared in the interview - a situation that could have been so intimidating. Wow. I'm up on the govt shut-down, but hadn't heard the slightest thing about either of those other two issues. It's hard to stay up on EVERYTHING. And I'm glad you feel you can vent when you feel overwhelmed. It helps us connect with you. Just wanted to say - I think you're doing a fantastic job in so many areas!

  2. I want to hear your responses. Guess I'll have to try to tune in on Sunday.

    P.S. Have you looked at the forecast? Because the snow isn't going away for a while. Time to go skiing again.

  3. What a great radio event! Julie is a close friend of mine-- she adds a lot to everything she does (as do you) and I worked for Enid both in D.C. and in her SLC District office. Can we hear the reairing of your show sometime? I'd love to listen to it.
