
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring - sort of

So it's still been pretty cold and rainy for the most part but we've had a few scattered days of sunshine and everything is doing its very very best to bloom!

Isaac was needing a little one-on-one time the other day so we walked over to the Rancho Market together to get some milk (we've got 3 Spanish markets within 2 blocks of our house - lots of nice fresh produce including  lots of cactus and peppers of every shape and size - plus plenty of pigs feet and tripe!).  We took our time and Isaac helped me find some really beautiful hints that spring really is sort of here.  I love how Isaac always points out beauty to me.  And I love it when I remember to slow down and notice when my kids need some undivided attention - and when I slow down enough to notice the beauty that can always be found when I really look for it.

It started snowing the day we moved here in November and there have been maybe 3 or 4 nice sunny days since then. Six solid months of winter has seemed a bit much - especially after living in places where winter hardly exists for 12 years.  I can't believe the kids are getting out of school this week and they've only been able to wear shorts a couple times this spring.  But wow, these blossoms and flowers and the bits of sun we've had have been so incredibly beautiful thanks to their rarity.


  1. Gorgeous photography Saren! Isaac reminds me of Tal!

  2. Here we are thinking "summer-sort of" the kids are out and we are enjoying weather in the 80's! By now it is normally 100! We sure miss Isaac, he is so great with little kids!

  3. You know I am feeling your pain! (Tell me how to do those photo collages on a blog!!)
