
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Should we do it?

We've always had this family dream of traveling across the country together. Jared and I want to share our favorite places in Boston and NYC with our kids. We want to experience new places together. We're pretty good at road trips and love the adventure and together-time they offer - and the kids are really good in the car.

I've got to be out in New Hampshire to conduct a Power of Moms Retreat Oct 21-22.  Jared has a flexible schedule as he looks for the right new job. We both can do our work just about anywhere as long as we have our laptops and the internet. So I got this idea that maybe we should ALL head out to New England in October and Jared agreed that if he didn't have a job by the time I would need to buy a plane ticket for the Retreat to get a good fare, we should hop in the car and make the trek across the country.

Well, I'd need to buy a ticket in the next few days if I'm going to fly out for the Retreat so now's the time to make the decision.  Should we drive that 35 hours each way?  

The kids would have to miss some school but they have a few days off for fall break during the time we'd be gone and I've always embraced my parents' philosophy - "never let schooling get in the way of your education."  And we'd have plenty of car time to do the kids' school work that their teachers could give us.

We don't really have extra money right now but when we do have money, Jared's generally working at a pretty non-flexible job and wouldn't be available to go with us. Plus this would be a business trip so we could expense a lot of things and we're very good at keeping things cheap on road trips - we eat from a cooler in the car and just need a basic motel room or a corner of someone's living room where we can roll out our sleeping bags for the night. Plus we've had requests to do a Retreat in Chicago so we could do that on the way or on the way back and that would generate more revenue.  Maybe we could even do a mini-Retreat in NYC...

We might have to miss some basketball games for Eliza and the twins - we just signed them up to play starting in mid October.

It might be hard sometimes trying to get work done on the road while helping kids with homework and keeping everyone happy in the car. I do have quite a few big projects I'm in the middle of for Power of Moms.  But I got tons of work done during our last road trip all over the Pacific Northwest (love that you can create a "hot spot" with your phone and use the internet almost anywhere now) and Jared and I could trade off driving and working and doing stuff with the kids (plus they like time to read or watch a movie and don't need attention from one of us all the time).

The kids are at great ages for a road trip. They are all old enough to be good in the car and really get and remember what we'd be visiting. They are young enough to think trips like this are super cool - they don't yet worry about missing friends and they still think family time is a treat.

So, what do you think?  What would you do if you were us?


  1. I would do it in a heartbeat! Your kids are all in that sweet spot between being too young and too old to enjoy and remember traveling together as a family. The time when you can all do things together will be over before you blink.

  2. Without a doubt, I say do it! It sounds like the best opportunity you'll have for a while. I wouldn't think twice about it. You'll always treasure the memories made. Totally worth it!

  3. go,go and go! you've built a good case for yourself on why the answer is GO! you'd be bummed after the fact if you didn't seize the chance.

  4. Do it! Listen to your own reasoning-- it seemed like all "pro's" to me, very few "cons," and when you did have a con, you had a solution to it. HAVE FUN! And a big AMEN to the previous 3 comments! :-)

  5. YES. a new england fall would make up for any shortcomings the trip would bring. what a memory!

  6. I would GO! But I'm pretty sure I already told you that.

  7. Um, YES! And how about a retreat in San Anonio!? Or San Fran in May!?

  8. a few years ago my family of 7 did a self guided church history trip from las vegas to palmyra and everywhere in between. we were in our van and camping out for 17 days round trip. best. trip. ever. very little fighting and a lifetime of memories. oh...AND we met president uchtdorf in the sacred grove! do it before your kids hit high school and it gets too complicated to miss so much school.

  9. Do it!! I'm sure you will never regret it! How fun!!!

  10. DO IT!! :)

    You won't regret choosing to go. You'll regret deciding not to take the family.

  11. You should absolutely do it!! I LOVE roadtrips....but my 3 year old not so much ;) It sounds like an opportunity too good to be missed!!!

  12. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Sounds like a fun idea....but didn't your kids make a commitment to play basketball?.Are there any issues if they miss practices or a a game?.

  13. Yes do it! It will be a great experience and memory maker for your family. I don't know the route you are taking, but if you need to stop in Cheyenne, WY for a night you are welcome to stay with us. We love having guests. You may not remember me, but I met you at BYU-I education week this summer. As mentioned before, do it now before the kids get older and have a harder time missing school.

  14. Anonymous8:13 AM

    YES!!!! That is my dream!

  15. My vote is yes. I have put off many things because I didn't have the money (or didn't think I did) and have regretted it later. It's going to be a LONG car ride but oh so fun, and I love your parents theory about never letting schooling getting in the way of education, I'm going to have to remember that one.

  16. ABSOLUTELY Saren. You won't regret it.
    I can't make the retreat this year but Linda and I are in NY if you need a place to stay, we'd love to have you. We'd love a retreat closer to us!
    Our 3,000 mile road trip was a one of the BEST things we ever did together. My kids LOVED being in the car much to my surprise and joy because there was so much to see and they need time to slow down too. I was taking a class on line during the 2 weeks and had trouble a few times with internet in the mountains. You should be fine, you can always find it somewhere. Let me know if you need anything. Get your maps out and start marking your course and what you want to hit along the way. SO FUN!!!

  17. GO! You will never have the opportunity again!

  18. Well I see that you've changed your mind, but should you change it back, please know there is plenty of space for you to camp out in Fort Wayne, IN--we're right along the way!! Road trips are the best!
