
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Creativity and cuteness

Gratitude Day 22

The twins and I were looking up the weather on the computer and they started singing a little made up song. I told them I'd like to video them. They were all for that. Here are the two songs they came up with.  I know I'm biased but I think they're pretty darn creative, somewhat musically talented and cute.

I'm so grateful for these beautiful little boys of mine. I was so scared and shocked when I found out there were two where one was feeling overwhelming. But they've added so much love, enthusiasm and fun to our family and when they come flying out of school and into my arms each day, I sometimes think my heart is going to burst. Yet another example of how we get what we need - not what we necessarily want or ask for.

What are you grateful for today?

P.S. My sister Saydi just wrote a great post about gratitude - check it out here if you want:


  1. So cute! Future meteorologists!

  2. Those boys are SO cute! No wonder you were missing them :)
