
Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Great Friends Doing Great Things (and a giveaway)

Day Two of my Thanksgiving Gratitude Journal: I'm grateful for good women who work hard and sacrifice to lift others

I've got two dear friends who've requested my help spreading the word about wonderful events they have coming up. These requests made me so grateful for these two good friends, all that they've brought to my life and all that they are bringing to so many others through their hard work and sacrifices. And that got me thinking about how grateful I am for all the women - those I know, those I admire, those who've gone before - whose efforts and influence have made such a difference in my life.

I love this quote by Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world. Indeed, that is the only thing that ever has." I love how so many great women have coupled their beliefs and commitment with action and have created ripple effects that go on and on and on, influencing the lives of so many.

My dear friend, Neylan McBaine (I blogged about the interesting way we met here) is the founder and director of an amazing website called the Mormon Women Project. If you haven't checked it out, you really should. The website celebrates the rich diversity of Mormon women through interviews and portraits. If you can possibly make it, I highly recommend that you join me for the Mormon Women Project Salon being held in downtown Salt Lake this Saturday evening, November 5th. I'm so excited to hear from the excellent speakers Neylan has lined up and I'm honored to be leading a discussion as part of the evening. Click HERE to learn the details and register.

That's Tiffany on the left and another wonderful POM
Board member and friend, Rebecca, on the right running
a booth for us at the recent "Just for Her" event in Ogden
When I first met Tiffany Sowby, I was a teenager in England. We went to church together while my family lived there for 6 months. Little did I know that we'd reconnect over 20 years later when she stumbled upon The Power of Moms and volunteered to help. Tiffany is now my right-arm woman when it comes to running Power of Moms Retreats and managing our ever-expanding training program - plus she's written many great articles on our website, runs her own Learning Circle, and has been an excellent presenter and trainer at several of our Retreats (plus, of course, she's an amazing mom on top of all that). Tiffany is hosting a "Date Night" Couples Retreat on November 11th where she'll be presenting all our great Power of Moms stuff on setting up family systems that can help you build the family you really want.  If you can possibly make it, be there on November 11th! And Tiffany has graciously offered the chance for someone to attend for free. Simply make a comment with your email address below and you'll be entered into a giveaway for a free registration for you and your husband to attend this event. I'll announce the couple that wins the free registration at the end of the day around noon on Friday, November 4th. Forward this post to friends that may also want to enter the giveaway!

And thinking about Tiffany makes me SO grateful for the 30 or so wonderful volunteer Power of Moms board members who run different parts of our website. Power of Moms would be this tiny little thing without all their work behind the scenes. It's amazing what talented, wonderful moms have jumped on board to help other moms without pay, without much recognition, with just the belief in the cause of deliberate mothering to fuel them.  Thanks wonderful ladies!

OK - I'm getting carried away - there are probably 100 great women I could list and talk about here but we'll keep it to the ones above for today.

P.S. We've still got room at our Phoenix, Arizona Retreat on November 19th. To adjust the Margaret Mead quote above slightly, "Never doubt that a relatively small group of committed moms can change the world. In fact, great moms shape the future."


  1. Thanks for the kind words Saren. I love the quote you referenced from Margaret Mead. So true! I think I might have to hang that quote somewhere to see it daily. What a great organization Power of Moms is to be a part of.

  2. I wish this was in AZ! I found you through your parents website and have already implimented their "money" system in our family, it has helped so much because it is so simple. (I need simple!)My twins are in your brothers 3rd grade class and they just LOVE him!

  3. Thank you for the quote by Margaret Mead, it was what my MSW cohort chose to represent the work we do each and every day!

  4. I would love to go the couples retreat. I just finished your parents new book and it's amazing. I'm planning to get another copy so I can read it with my husband. This would be a great jump start for us. We have a long way to go.

  5. We would love to come on the 11th but it doesn't work for our schedule. The Park City retreat was amazing!

  6. We would absolutely love to attend this retreat. Thank you for the wonderful opportunity and thank you for all that you do for families!


  7. I have been dying to go to a couples retreat and would jump at the chance to attend the workshop in Bountiful with my husband! My email is

  8. I would love to attend this with my husband and to improve our family structure. It would be an amazing, quality time spent with you and my sweet hubby. Thanks for all you do for power of moms.

  9. I would love to try the couples retreat. I was supposed to go to the workshop tomorrow night but life got in the way! :( Thanks for offering this as a giveaway!

  10. I would love a chance to win the couples retreat! I have the Entitlement Trap and am reading it and wanting to apply all of the great advice! :) Love your blog too.

  11. I would love to attend the date night retreat with my hubby! I am reading your parents book and I love the Power of Moms site ... now I just need to implement everything I've learned and make sure hubby and I are on the same page :). Thanks for all you do!

    taralyn . parker @

  12. I attended Power of Moms with my sisters in March and LOVED it but kept thinking it sure would be nice for my husband to be hearing all of these great ideas from someone other than me! This is a great idea and we would love the opportunity to attend!

    WOuld love to come, thanks for all the uplifting things going on here. It gives me hope!
