
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Can you do me a favor?

Happy New Year!

As a little New Year's gift to me, it would be really wonderful if you could do three things for me (and my "baby," The Power of Moms). It will take you about 3 minutes to do these things and you'll be helping yourself and maybe also your friends and family while you're helping me. Total win-win going on here.

1. If you do Facebook, click here to visit our Facebook page and "like" Power of Moms so you can get the little updates and links we send out.

2. Click here to become a registered member of The Power of Moms. If you register before January 3rd, you get the regular free gifts we give everyone who registers plus two special holiday gift programs including a free podcast series I recorded with my mom and sisters last summer that I bet you'd like a lot and a webinar on boundaries and margins that offers info that was pretty revolutionary to me when I first heard it. Let all your friends know about these special offers just for joining our website if you like.

3. Share what you like about Power of Moms with all your mom friends - use email, Facebook, word of mouth, whatever works for you. A really easy way to share the site is to share this link to our Welcome Page on Facebook or email. We get so many emails from moms saying that they've found something on Power of Moms that has changed their lives. Please help us reach moms who might need this stuff!

Why is it important to me that you do these three things? Mostly I just want all this hard work I do for Power of Moms to reach more moms who need it. But also, the larger our numbers, the better chance we have of getting sponsors to help support our site. We're needing some support so we can reach all the moms we need to reach and provide great programs at great prices without dipping into our own pockets so much.

So can you do those three things? Pretty please? Thanks!

Oh, and one last thing. If you buy stuff on Amazon, it would be wonderful if you could first click on our Power of Moms Amazon store. From there, you can go anywhere you like on Amazon right then or visit Amazon to make a purchase of ANYTHING (whether it's something we recommend or something else) anytime in the next month and anything you purchase will result in a small percentage going to help support our work at Power of Moms. Doesn't cost you anything but helps us out - plus you might really like some of our recommended products if you're looking for a great book for yourself or quality toys or books for your kids. If you can visit our store before buying something on Amazon, it would be very nice.

1 comment:

  1. Saren,

    I believe so strongly in The Power of Moms that I plastered ads for it all over the Janurary Edition of my recently published Digital Magazine!

    Good Luck with it this year,
    Love, Jenny Hatch

