
Monday, March 26, 2012

Give and Get - Vision Walk Retreat Giveaway

My niece Lucy's sight is starting to go. And she's only 5 years old.  

Vision loss is one part of Bardet-Biedl, the rare syndrome that Lucy has. You can read more about Lucy by clicking on the "I love Lucy" button in the right sidebar. My sister Shawni and her family have had quite a ride with this wonderful little girl - and the ride just keeps going.

Shawni shared this little story that made me cry:
"Every so often I get smacked in the face with the reality that, like it or not, Lucy's vision is deteriorating. Sometimes it just hits me like a ton of bricks.

"The latest realization was when she told Dave [Shawni's husband] a while ago in her little sing-songy voice: 'When it's the daytime my eyes are blue, but when it's night-time they turn black.'

"My heart aches to think that some day she may not be able to see the colors she makes her beautiful art with.

"About all we can do is to try to help raise money to help fight blindness.

"And man alive do we ever want to fight it around here."

You can help Lucy and the 1000's of other people facing vision loss. Across the country this spring, there are Vision Walks going on to support the Foundation Fighting Blindness. You can participate in a Vision Walk in person (there are 51 walks all across the country going on this spring - you can find out if there's one near you HERE) or by donating whatever amount fits your budget to Shawni's Vision Walk team (even a few dollars helps!). Shawni's Vision Walk team still needs quite a bit of help to reach their fundraising goal. And the Foundation Fighting Blindness needs a LOT of help to fund the vital research they are doing that just might save Lucy's vision. I sure want to see some answers come along before it's too late for sweet Lucy.

Here's the link to Shawni's team page where you can make a donation:


And you know what? If you make a donation (using that link above - it takes about 2 minutes) or sign up to do a Vision Walk in your community, then come back and make a comment on this blog post to let me know what you did, you'll be entered in a giveaway for a FREE ONE-DAY REGISTRATION to one of our upcoming Power of Moms Retreats (worth about $150).

To enter, do two things in your comment:
1. State what you did to help the Foundation Fighting Blindness (donated to Shawni's team or signed up to be part of a Vision Walk yourself - no need to state the amount of your donation!)
2. Specify which of the three upcoming Retreats you'd like to attend. 

Here are details on the upcoming Retreats:
And if you don't win a Retreat Registration and can't get to a Retreat in person but want to experience your own personal Retreat right in front of your computer, you can sign up for one of these online trainings:
Mommy is a Person Video Training (featuring Shawni Pothier, April Perry, Saydi Shumway, Linda Eyre and me)
Family Systems Webinar Training (featuring April Perry and me, based on great ideas from my parents' best-selling books and offering lots of ideas from my growing-up experience plus tons of stuff we've gathered at Power of Moms Retreats)

I'll announce the winner of the Free Retreat Registration in a blog post at 5:00pm this Friday, March 30th!


  1. I live in Mesa and made a donation to the I Love Lucy campaign. I also signed up my family (My hubby and I have two little girls) to walk as part of Shawni's team this Saturday in AZ. I can't wait! I would also love to be entered into your drawing to attend the retreat in Palo Alto. Thank you! Heather Fortuna Bush

  2. Sar, you're the best. Heather, I'm SO excited you are walking with us!

  3. I donated to Shawni's team. I love your family and everything they do for the people around them. My 13 year old son is fighting a chronic pain disease and I know personally how hard it is to see your child suffer. I hope that they can get the research they need to find a cure for BBS. Good Luck!! I would love to entered in the drawing for the Park City retreat...

  4. I live in Salt Lake and made a donation to the I Love Lucy Team. I have long admired Shawni and your parents and aspire to be the kind of parents that have been able to raise such wonderful children. I would love to be entered into your drawing to attend the retreat in Park City. Thank you!

  5. I donated to Shawni's team. I admire your family so much, and I hope Shawni can reach her goal. I would love to be a part of the Palo Alto Retreat. Thank you (and best of luck!)

  6. I donated to Shawni's team. I love both of your blogs, they give me a great desire to be the best mom I can be to my kids! I would love to be entered into the drawing for the Park City retreat!

  7. I donated to Shawni's team. I just recently discovered Shawni's blog from friends that love it. What an inspiration your entire family is! I have heard about your amazing retreats from friends that have attended. I would love to be able to attend the Park City retreat. Thank you so much!

  8. Tiffany George10:37 AM

    I have made a donation to Shawni's team as well. I live near Palo Alto and would LOVE to come to that retreat. Your family is an inspiration to us all!

  9. I donated to the I Love Lucy team! So glad that they met their goal and are exceeding it. I am in Orem and would LOVE to go to the Park City retreat!

  10. My brother was diagnosed with RP when he was a late teenager. It started with the "night blindness" that Lucy is experiencing. I was immediately drawn to Shawni the first time I listened to her speak and have always felt a connection to her because of Foundation Fighting Blindness. We have recently registered our team for the Vision Walk in SLC - our 3rd year. Go team MalaNaters!! We continue to pray for treatment and a cure for this disease.

    I would love to attend the Park City Retreat -- and I encourage anyone who lives in the area to attend the SLC VisionWalk in June!!

  11. I live in Canada so I won't be able to participate in the Vision Walk, but I made a donation gladly. Shawni has inspired me and taught me so much through her posts - I'm happy to help Lucy in whatever way I can.
    I would really love to attend the Park City retreat.

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  15. Hi there! I donated to Shawni's Team yesterday and would LOVE to attend a Power of Moms Retreat! It would be such a treat to attend the Park City Conference in May! Especially as it's my birthday week! :) Either way, I plan to attend some day! Thanks to you and your family for all the inspiration and mothering support! Meg Lowery

  16. I made a donation online. Wish it could be more than I did.

    I would love to be entered in the drawing for the Park City retreat.

    Thanks so much!!

  17. I made a donation. I live in SLC and would be interested on the park city retreat. Thanks so much!

  18. I made a donation. I'm interested in your Park City retreat.

  19. Thanks for this chance. I just made a donation to Shawni's team. I saw Shawni at a TOFW last fall and have started reading her blog. If I won, I would let my sister go to the retreat in Park City as she lives in UT and I live in VA. Thank-you!

  20. Made a donation to I LOVE LUCY. Would love to attend the Las Vegas retreat! Thank you!

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  28. Sorry for all the comments, it kept saying there was an error and wouldn't post!

  29. Anonymous3:41 PM

    I made a donation to Shawni's account for the vision walk. I'd love to attend the retreat in Park City.

  30. I made a donation to Shawni's team. I'd love to attend the Palo Alto retreat. Thanks!
