
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Amazing Mums in Sydney, Australia

We had a truly fabulous group of bright, interesting deliberate mothers gather for our Retreat in Sydney this past weekend. I learned so much from everyone I got a chance to talk to and all our presentations came off beautifully. It really couldn't have been better.

Here are some of my photos of the Retreat including the TV appearance we had the morning before the Retreat started. It makes me miss my new friends to post all this!

We started off the day with an appearance on "Breakfast" on Channel Ten (sort of the the "Good Morning America" equivalent in Australia). We got a chance to talk about how Power of Moms is different from most blogs because it brings together so many voices and follows a different theme each month plus we offer online programs and in-person get-togethers as well as the great online content (unfortunately the link to our segment only works in Australia or I'd post it). It was fun to bring Ashton and Alia along - they loved seeing the behind-the-scenes view of a TV show.

We're so grateful to our fabulous Australian publicist, Sarah Osmotherly (on the right in this photo), for setting up this TV show as well as some great radio shows. Sarah is one fun and accomplished mum!

The make-up lady got us all polished up as we headed onto the set. 
After the show, Sarah drove us around Sydney a bit and introduced us to beautiful Bondi Beach where we had a scrumptious breakfast.

Then we were off to the Retreat in the hills above Sydney. Here's the gate leading into the beautiful property where the Retreat was held - thank you wonderful Hobby family for your kind hospitality and your gorgeous home!
 Beautiful road leading to the Retreat home:

And at the end of the road, we found this gorgeous home - such a great Retreat location!
Here are the beautiful, wonderful mums we got to spend Friday and Saturday with:
 We had lots of small group discussions and panels along with large-group presentations. Everyone was so receptive and had so many of their own great ideas to share - truly dynamic women!

Friday evening, we had a great dinner together followed by lots of laughter and games. "Reverse Charades" is always a big hit (one person guesses and everyone else acts out the word - you can get the game in a box or as an ap on your phone - we play it at all the Retreats and at all our family reunions - never disappoints!)

The food was really fabulous - beautiful morning and afternoon teas plus a lovely lunch and delicious dinner.

Here are a few end-of-Retreat shots with our new friends:

Always some very cute babies on hand at Retreats 

Above are the wonderful women who stayed at the end to discuss becoming trainers. We're so glad we could leave Australia knowing there will be wonderful women who'll keep Power of Mums workshops and Retreats going there!

Finally, here's the Retreat through the eyes of Corrie, a great "mum" who runs a lovely blog called Retro Mummy and who served as one of our panelists at the Retreat. Corrie captured great photos and it was so fun to read about what she learned and experienced at the Retreat. 

Power of Mums Sydney Retreat Day I
Power of Mums Sydney Retreat Part II

*** If you'd like your own Retreat experience, we've Retreats coming right up in Palo Alto, California and in Las Vegas, Nevada. As always, we'll work with you on price if cost is keeping you back. And if you can't make it to one of these locations, we've got some great new online trainings available at The Power of Moms - check them out here if you like and you can create your own "virtual Retreat" in front of your computer! The special introductory pricing is good for ONE WEEK.
Family Systems Online Training 
Mommy is a Person Online Training


  1. Wow.Wow.Wow! So proud of you and April and all those who made the POM Retreat happen. So happy for you. So glad I got to attend your retreat in St George. BTW - Mindy is pregnant with #4, she is so excited and due in Aug. She turns 40 in May so what a great birthday gift!!! :)

  2. Thanks for sharing about the Australia retreat....glad you had a great time! I hope you recover soon! :)

  3. sar, this looks awesome! I wish so much I could have been there.

    POM Retreat London on the horizon???

    Love you. You are awesome.

  4. How exciting to see all these terrific deliberate moms who are having such a great time learning how to be better! Wish we could have been with you but I'm so glad that Ashton and Alia got to go! Great job!

  5. Leonie4:03 PM

    This is really cool, especially the moms who all attended this retreat! It looks everyone enjoyed on their stay!

    Perth Daily Deals
