
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thank you notes and final Thanksgiving Tree

Yesterday we worked on thank you notes as a little Thanksgiving activity and they turned out great. Every kid picked two or three people to write to (Ashton said he'd rather email people and that was fine). I let them totally pick whatever they wanted to write to whomever they wanted to write to. They wrote to basketball coaches, church teachers, school teachers, relatives, you name it. Here are a few:

I've got to figure out how to deliver this one to the gabige man (garbage man) who does seveses (services) around the naberhod (neighborhood).

An email from Ashton to one of his teachers:
Since it's Thanksgiving, I wanted to tell you how grateful I am that you are such a great teacher. You make math fun while also helping us learn a lot. I know all the other kids in our class think you're great too. Thanks a lot.

Today we put a few final leaves on our Thanksgiving Tree.

Here's the list of most everything that ended up on this year's tree:
School, airplanes, camping, my mom, trees, Pippi Longstocking (a book we read a while ago), that I don't get sick a lot (from Eliza when she was sick last week), houses, learning, love, electric guitars, PJ's, The Magician's Elephant (we just finishd reading it - such a great read-aloud), family, Heavenly Father, dishwashers, that we can play on a basketball team, Dad's job, my amazing children, dance class, dishwasher fixers, trampolines, help, paper, homes, people who love their country, pencils, good movies, snow, teachers, good books, fall leaves, church, Power of Moms, Jesus Christ, plants, my dad, the Holy Ghost, heat, air conditioning, blankets, fruits and vegetables, pizza...

Now I get to make some yummy cranberry brie appetizer for our feast at my mom's house tomorrow (I'll share the recipe soon!). We'll head to Park City to help with all the cooking right after we finish with the neighborhood "Turkey Trot" tomorrow morning.

Oh, how I love Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. I felt pretty lucky to get a note from Eliza. . . it definitely brightened my day!
