
Monday, December 24, 2012

Last Call for Free Gift

If you regularly read this blog, you probably already got your free gift from the Power of Moms (if not, grab it below!).

Will you do me a favor? Will you share the free gift link with all the moms you know? Just take 30 seconds (maybe right now before you forget) and send the link below in an email to all the moms you know or put up a blog or Facebook post. You may well change someone's life by offering them these resources so isn't it worth 30 seconds? No strings attached. Just a free program that's regularly $15-20 as our little way to share Christmas cheer.

Pick your Free Power of Moms Program Here - Choose between our Deliberate Mothering Podcast Series (featuring me, my mom and sisters), our School Paper and Homework Mastery Program, and our Do-it-Yourself Summer Camp Kit.

We were going to end this free offer on Christmas but I think we'll leave it up for a day or two longer. As long as the link works, the offer stands!

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