
Monday, April 15, 2013

Easy spring decor - in the snow

Right now it's snowing. It's really coming down. Seriously? What's up with this? Look at those poor little daffodils!

I'm glad that just yesterday the kids and I collected lots of beautiful branches of buds and blossoms so we can keep enjoying springtime in our house even if it's winter outside.

I saw this on Pinterest when I was looking for simple Easter decor ideas:

And the kids and I were going to collect "signs of spring" to create our own version for an Easter decoration celebrating new life. But while there weren't many buds to be found at Easter, I was determined to still do this simple and lovely spring decor idea as soon as there were buds to be found. Yesterday proved to be the perfect day for bud collecting and we created this simple but very pleasing display using all the jars and vases we could find around the house:

How I love the bright baby green of new buds bursting open and the vale of green that eases across the landscape at this time of year. And while the snow is a bit annoying, the buds and baby leaves will somehow survive. They always do. We can all learn a lesson from those baby leaves and buds and flowers that make it through the spring snows and still thrive in the end!


  1. Very very cool! So simple but so inspiring!

  2. So many neat aspects to this Saren! I love that the kids can collect plants for it, I love the mismatched vases/jars, I love your life lesson about surviving. Now, if we could just get some snow here in Brisbane.
