
Monday, June 10, 2013

Day 7: MIT and Harvard

Jared got in this morning and it was so great to be together to share our memories and favorite places in the Boston area with our kids. Jared will stick with us through NYC, then he has to get back to work. We'll take what we can get!

We started off at MIT where Jared went to school. It was POURING rain so we thought a perfect place to spend a chunk of time was the MIT museum. We'd taken Ashton and Isaac there when they were little and they totally remembered it and were so excited to go there again and see the cool holograms and robots and whimsical machines they had there. Plus there was lots of great new stuff to explore.

Here's a cool little machine that makes a wishbone from a turkey walk along a track. So cool seeing all the gears and little pieces working together to make these very artistic machines work.

Eliza liked this violin-polishing machine since she's now taking violin.

After the museum and a delicious lunch at an old favorite - Bertucci's (where we ate SO many hot, delicious rolls we barely had room for our pizza), we headed over to explore the buildings that were a big part of Jared's life for a lot of years. It turned out to be commencement day so it was fun seeing so many people in caps and gowns and seeing the whole campus very lively.

Here's the door to the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering - Jared majored in Mechanical Engineering.

Killian Court - Commencement just finished.

Classroom where Jared took his Freshman Physics class (Isaac and Eliza were trying to look very studious)

Inside the MIT dome:

It was very rainy!

Strata building (computer science). They didn't have any buildings quite this fancy back in Jared's day.

After MIT, we went to Harvard where I did my graduate work and where I spent tons of hours as an undergraduate every weekend while I was an undergrad at Wellesley.

Here we are in Harvard Yard with John Harvard (like everyone else, all the kids rubbed his toe for good luck - see how shiny it is?)

Widener Library in Harvard Yard:

At the Coop in Harvard Square (Out of Town News behind them)

The church at Longfellow Park just outside Harvard Square where I went to church for 4 years as an undergrad at Wellesley, 2 years for grad school and working, then one year as a newlywed with Jared.

We went down into the Harvard T-shop to get out of the rain and search out some cheap t-shirts (they usually have good ones there) and found, as usual, some good musicians down there. Isaac did a little dance in his new t-shirt.

Entrance to Harvard Yard:

The entrance to the apartment building in Porter Square (right outside Harvard Square) where I lived for 3 years - two years with roommates while doing my Masters in Education at Harvard and setting up and running after school programs, then one year with Jared after we got married. This is where it all began.


  1. How fun, fun, fun! What a great thing for kids and parents! A walk down memory lane and something to look forward to some day for the kids...maybe!

  2. I work at MIT -- I wish I had seen you on Friday!

  3. I just found your blog through Sarah (Clover Lane) and it's so cool to see all these Boston pics! I live in MA and my brother works at MIT - what a small world :)

  4. Fun to see you at MIT and Harvard. Wish Will and Syd had overlapped with your visit. Another time, maybe. Glad Jared could join you for a bit. Continued safe travels!

  5. you did good in the rain! love that cambridge.
