
Thursday, January 02, 2014

Getting Unstuck and Setting Resolutions

Yesterday, New Year's Day, Jared and the kids went skiing. I opted to stay at home and have a little quiet time to think through what I want to do and be in 2014.

There's a lot I'd love to see happen this year and a lot I've learned in 2013 and need to more fully apply this upcoming year. But when I sat down to start the process of some self-assessment and resolution-setting, I just felt overwhelmed and stuck. Then I realized I needed to exercise, shower and take care of some of the holiday clutter and dirt around here before my brain could wrap itself around the whole resolution-setting thing. Yep, I needed to take the advice in this podcast I made with April. We really do have to get our space and brain cleared up a bit before we can really think about moving forward with goals and plans - otherwise, we can feel pretty disheartened and uninspired.

So after getting some exercise, taking a shower, tackling the toppling pile in my inbox, putting away the random things that have ended up in random places over the past couple weeks with everyone at home and all the presents that have been opened, doing a couple loads of laundry, and cleaning a couple bathrooms that have really been bugging me, I felt much better about my ability to actually move forward.

I did the self-assessment in the Bloom Game that I haven't done for ages, realized some areas I need to work on, and got some basic resolutions set (that I'll add to this Sunday when I've had a bit longer to think things through). Now I'm feeling like I really can move forward.

Today, a bunch of neighborhood kids are here playing games and enjoying a big snowball fight which would have totally overwhelmed me yesterday before I took the time to de-clutter my house and mind. I'm in a much better place today. Bring on 2014. I'm ready.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same way about making space before I can really move forward with something. Funny now clutter--physical or emotional--tends to make you drag through other things you want to do.
