
Monday, April 14, 2014

Easy Easter Week Ideas

It's Easter Week! We're rolling out the activities for each day of Easter Week that we've been doing, adjusting and polishing for years. Yesterday we celebrated Palm Sunday by carefully reading in the scriptures about Palm Sunday, looking at depictions of the event that popped up when we googled "Palm Sunday," and watching this really wonderful new video about Easter:


(We watched it about 5 times and talked all about who Christ was to others, who He is to us, and what seemingly "impossible" things He made possible in our lives).

If you'd like scriptures, videos and ideas all put together for you to help you celebrate Easter Week, here's the post I wrote a couple years ago for Power of Moms:

A Deliberate Mother's Guide to a Christ-Centered Easter
(Scroll down a little to get to the part with the day-by-day Easter Week ideas. I have to go back to this post every year to remember everything myself!)


  1. Love that you love Him!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing the Christ-centered Easter ideas...I love them and will be putting a few of them to use this weekend with my little family.

    many blessings,
