
Friday, January 22, 2016

Recipes We Love

After going to my nephew Max's farewell last weekend (plenty of photos of that on Instagram here!), I've been thinking a lot more about the fact that we only have two and a half years left before Ashton can go on a mission - or until he leaves for college - not sure which will come first! I'm feeling a real urgency to get moving on all the trips we want to take together as a family and building my relationship with him. And on a practical level, I'm feeling like I need to teach this boy to cook and get going on typing up and posting tried-and-true recipes on this blog so that wherever my kids are in the world, they can always come here to find a recipe that will be healthy and inexpensive and easy to make - and that will hopefully bring a little taste of our home to them wherever they are.
I posted a bunch of recipes a while back (I was trying to post one a week).

Then I sort of fizzled out on posting recipes. But it's time to get going again. So whenever I make something that fits the bill (a family favorite that is generally healthy, inexpensive and simple), I'm going to get it posted here. 


  1. Ooo, I am hoping for some crockpot recipes!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Saren, thank you so much for sharing your favorite recipies! I made "Jonah`s Granola" and we had it for breakfast this Sunday morning. We absolutely loved it! I think I will give it to friends as a present. Thanks again!

  4. Got here from the show notes on the POM podcast (I LOVE all your podcasts, btw). So excited to check all these recipes out. I'm in a rut and totally burned out when it comes to meal planning, even though I usually love to cook and eat healthy food. This podcast came at just the right time!
