My sister Saydi had her baby yesterday - a girl! They didn't find out ahead of time whether it was a boy or girl so the news was extra exciting. Everyone's happy and healthy and Saydi had a quick but relatively normal natural childbirth - just what she was hoping for after two rather wild previous births. Little Emeline Rose is absolutely beautiful and I especially loved the pictures of her with her adoring older brother and sister. Hearing about it all brought tears to my eyes as I remembered those amazing moments of holding my own seconds-old baby for the first time and seeing my older kids meet their newest sibling. Those are moments I wish I could go back and relive, moments that make all the hard stuff so completely worthwhile.
It's suddenly turned COLD (50's feels pretty darn cold here - with 40's in the morning). I love feeling the crisp in the air and catching a glimpse of changing leaves here and there. The twins get SO excited about every "golden tree" they see. It poured with rain yesterday and brought out the most deep and rich colors everywhere. I love the desert in the rain - the unique smell, the saturated colors - has to be one of my all-time favorite things.
Ollie and Si have been bugging each other like crazy. I think they take their dad's absence harder than anyone else. But this morning they're so cute. They got into bed with me with a book this morning and it was so fun to snuggle and read with them for a while in our cold house. Now they're playing so nicely together. I just overheard Si say "Olber, you are the bestest Spiderman in the world" and Ollie replied, "well, you're the bestest Superman!" Then a few minutes later: "Olber, are you mad?" "No, I'm not mad but can I use that book?" "OK - here is yours and here is mines and now we both have one." If only things could stay this way all day!
Every time my husband goes away, I am SERIOUSLY reminded how much I lean on him and how much I appreciate him! I hope the time goes quickly 'til yours is home!
Wow Saren, where did this trip come from? How great for Jared! Makes all those sleepless nights worth it. Sounds as if you're holding your own like a champ! My new curling iron is holding up well. Forgot to say thanks for that I think. We're having a terrific experience but I am simply counting the days to get to Emmeline Rose!
Love, Mom
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