Thursday, March 24, 2011

An Excellent Book (and a give-away)

Last summer at Bear Lake, my parents watched our kids while my sisters and I spent a full day working on a book our parents were trying to finish - a great book about how the unique beliefs of the faith we grew up with (Mormon) can and should influence our parenting.

Our parents wanted our help looking at what they'd put together through the eyes of our generation and they were excited for us to add in the extra ideas and examples we could offer thanks to our own families and the things we've observed in other families we know. We had a great time discussing the beautiful truths we were raised with and examining how those truths affected how our parents raised us and how we're now choosing to raise our own children.  What an enriching and fun day we had!  (And our parents had a great day with all the kids, bless their hearts - win-win for everyone.)

Anyway, our good parents took our piles of notes and ideas as well as all their solid, wonderful material and created a masterpiece of a book called 5 Spiritual Solutions for Everyday Parenting Challenges.  It offers unique parenting insights especially for Mormon families and it's now available online and in bookstores (Amazon, Deseret Book, etc.).  But there's a chance you can get it for free right here since I get to give away two books.  So if you'd like to have this book shipped right to your door free of charge, please make a comment and include your email so I can contact you if you're one of the winners.  I'll announce the winners next week!  Don't you just love free stuff?  Especially if it's something that could actually change your life a little bit?


Anonymous said...

I would LOVE one of the books! I have two children, a 2 year old and 9 month old. I am going to need all the advice and ideas I can get! :-)
My email is

Becca said...

I so appreciate many of the great parenting ideas I've gotten from your family. I've been looking forward to this book and would love a chance to win it!

Becca Whyte

Pitterle Postings said...

I would love to have this book!! I have heard about it and really want (probably need) to read it. my email is

Vennesa said...

I'd love to read this book. Thanks for the giveaway!
bvmurray at comcast dot net

Julie Lybbert said...

Yes! I would really love the chance to win this book! Thank you!

ellen said...

I love winning things. :)

alecia said...

So awesome! alecia.english (at) gmail :)

Will Murdoch said...

I would love to win this. I read all of your parents books in high school as I was trying to learn how to be a good mom. This is now on my "list".

Becky said...

I am always looking for inspiration on becoming a better parent. I would love to read this book!

Michelle said...

I've loved the other stuff I've read by your parents so I'm sure this won't disasppoint either!

Barb said...

Wow! This is a great giveaway!

getupandplayblog at gmail dot com

Amy Cottle said...

I rarely comment on the blogs I follow, but I would LOVE this book! Thanks for the opportunity!

Sweating in the endless heat said...

I was just on our Phoenix library last night trying to see if your mom's book(that I read eight years ago) Didn't plan on being a witch was available. It wasn't and I was sad, but happy because they had "The book of nurturing : nine natural laws for enriching your family life". I have it on hold. I hope I win cause I just love all that your parents have done for those of us needing good advice, who didn't have the best parental examples or who just want to be better:-)
Wendy Barlow

kati said...

I have been wanting this book.:) Your parents and family are a great inspiration to me. I love that they share their knowledge with the world!


Emily said...

That book is just what I need right now. Thanks for your blog.

Camille said...

I am a huge fan of the Eyre books and would love this one. I am excited to learn and develop even more as a mother!


Angela said...

I have read your 3 of your parents books and we just had the sex talk with our 8 year old this past week. I was skeptical but so relieved when it was taken the way your parents said an 8 year old would. Anyway, would love the chance to win their new book.

Suzanne said...

Just started reading Eyre books, would love to have this added to my newly acquired collection. Hope you and yours, Saren, are well... Happy Spring wishes to you! (Suzanne from the NH Retreat)

emily ballard said...

I happen to have a lot of time to read these days. . . a new book would be perfect!

Lori said...

I would love to win a copy of this book because I have been contemplating this topic a lot for the past few weeks. Thank you!

Living Life in the Lowcountry said...

I would love the chance to win!

fishingfam said...

I love the example your family is!! Anything I can read to help me raise my children and have them turn out half as amazing as your parent have raised all of you. Is a book I need!

Thanks for having such and inspirational family!!

Welcome said...

I would love one of these! I have 6 children 10 years to 10 months. We could use all the help we could get!


Becky said...


jgalke said...

Can't wait to read it.

Stephanie said...

I plan to get my hands on a copy of this book whether I win it or not! Love them.


Heather said...

Yeah, I'm a "blog stalker" who never comments (until a free Eyre book becomes available:)....but we're kindred spirits! We met last summer at BYU-I Education Week (think Sat. sessions and piano lesson drama with my 12-year old son, etc.). LOVE what you and April are creating! Many thanks!!

Allison said...

I'd love that book! Your parents are amazing people! Thank them for the give away!

angelle said...

I have been looking for some good parenting books right now since I have a toddler that is becoming more independent each day. This sounds like a wonderful one to help me, and my family. Love all the wonderful resources your family provides for strengthening families! Thanks!

Melissa said...

I would love to have this book! Thanks for doing such a fun giveaway!
I really appreciate all the great ideas I have gotten from you and your parents.
Thanks again!

KHad said...

I love your parents' books and would love to have this one!

Linda said...

Wow! Thanks for doing this Saren and thanks to all these wonderful people for their kind comments!

LD said...

I enjoy reading your posts. They make me realize that I'm human and raising kids is a challenge for all of us. My email is

Kim said...

What a great giveaway! I've been wanting to read this book!

Becky L. said...

Fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity.

Sarah said...

I would love a copy! I'm a member of your parents' website & I love it.

Caitilin said...

This book is so what I need right now. I have appreciated the ideas from your parents' other books. I am currently reading 'how to talk to your child about sex' right now, as my oldest child just turned 8! Wish me luck with 'the big talk'! ;)

Kkelly said...

This is GREAT! I am reading yet another book right now by your parents, they are just chock full of great parenting ideas!

Laura Smith said...

I'd {heart} to be a winner!

chibbylick said...

Please pick me! I'd love a copy of this book!

Heather said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ben and Ashley said...

I know this is going to be a great book!!

Sydney said...

Looks like we have all come out of the wood work for a chance to read what I am sure is a marvelous book. Count me in. Thanks.

Emily said...

I met your parents in Kingston Ontario a couple of weeks ago and what wonderful people they are! I was with a group of 3 other women and we drove from Ottawa. It was a thoroughly enjoyable weekend! I'd love this book to help me out with my three kidlets!
My email is

Jeff said...

Boy do I have parenting challenges :) I'd love a book!

Melissa said...

I would love a copy of the book!

Paige said...

Ooh Ooh! I hope I win!
I need so many solutions to my so many parenting challenges!
Your parents are brilliant and I'm sure their book is the same.
ps I love your writing Saren!

Melissa said...

I have been wanting to get this book. We have baby #5 coming next month, and are always looking a for better ways to handle some of our struggles.

eyre blog said...

oh man. we want one too!

Andrea said...

I love your parents books!! I love all of their ideas. Thanks for doing the giveaway!

Marrian said...

In a desperate attempt to find some parenting help I came upon the Values Parenting website, then Power of Moms website and that website led me to yours. I would love to win this book!

Steve and Kathy said...

I would love to receive one of the Eyre books. Thanks for your posts

Heather said...

I really need to read this book! What a wonderful giveaway! hjford46 at gmail dot com

Kyle/Michelle said...

I would love this book. Thanks for the chance!
(kylemichelle2 at hotmail dot com)

*Jamie * said...

I have been wanting to read this book!

Anonymous said...

I am sure your giveaway is closed, but I plan to get this book anyways even though I'm not mormon. One of the things that strikes me about you and your siblings and how you've raised your families is the harmony - I am sure its not always that way, but I need to address the jealousy, competition and constant comparison my kids seem to raise continously.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this book. Your parents are amazing & so are you.

Doozy said...

I've enjoyed your parents' other books--pick me!! jungleprincess_9 at

Jen said...

Would love a chance to win this book! jennifer dot hecker at gmail dot com


Anonymous said...

I love your parents work. We find much comfort in their wisdom in our parenting. Have your parents taught at BYU week before? Thanks for the opportunity.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I would LOVE to read it. I appreciate all I have learned from your parents (teaching my parents) and from you and Shawni. I am always inspired to be a better mother.

Kristin said...

Thank you for the opportunity to win this book! I've been inspired by everything your parents have written and would love to read the latest!
My email is

Colleen Stabler said...

Your blog is very inspiring!

Heather said...

I too would love a book!! I have read several of your parent's book as well. Thanks!


Lori said...

I would love a copy of this book. Thank you for the giveaway!

Emily said...

What a great treasure to have!



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