
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Day of School

Yesterday was the first day of school and the kids declared it the best first day of school yet!

(someday we'll get the house re-painted...)
(Eliza has worn pig tales every single first day of school since preschool so she wants to keep up her tradition...)

The kids' school finished some beautiful new buildings over the summer and it was very exciting to start school in brand new classrooms with great new amenities (especially after sort of limping along in not-so-great facilities the past few years). And seeing all their old friends and meeting new teachers was very exciting. Plus everyone started some new things this year. The twins started the full Spanish immersion program. Eliza started 5th grade which at our school means she gets to have her own locker and switch teachers for each subject. Isaac started middle school and has some classes and teachers he's really excited about plus it's fun to get back going with the cross country team. And Ashton has all honors classes this year and is determined (or is that me that's determined???) to overcome some issues he's had in the past and get great grades this year. Plus he's trying out for the school volleyball team and volleyball is brand new to him. We're proud of him for trying something new and difficult.

Here are our two junior high boys (who weren't overly fond of photos and Ashton forbade me from hugging him in front of the school or following him inside with my camera...But Isaac gave me a nice big hug right there in the parking lot. Way to go, Ike!)

And here are our elementary schoolers (the two schools are right next door to each other). These cute kids were more than happy to have me accompany them into the school and get them settled.

Note the backpacks - there's this store her that sells returned Pottery Barn Kids stuff for super cheap prices and the kids found their perfect backpacks there. Silas and Oliver weren't one bit concerned that their backpacks have random monograms on them - all that matters is that they are Star Wars backpacks.

The twins were so excited when their teacher said they could sit wherever they wanted. They quickly gathered some best buddies and sat down.

Eliza was pretty pleased about her locker - and about the fact that her best friend Rachel was in her first class so they could visit their lockers and head to class together.

I just had to spy on them in their first class for a minute.

Then I had to spy on the twins for a minute before leaving the school.

We got rolling on our school year schedule quite nicely, I've got to say. Scriptures were right on time. Breakfast was right on time. We had time for photos and got to school early. Yeah us! And today we did great again. Two for two! I'm determined to be better about getting myself up right on time this year so I can keep everything on track...

It was so fun to see the kids at pick-up time. I really missed them. I just plain like these kids a lot and while it's great for them to be back in school and for me to have specific hours each day to do my work so I don't feel so pulled in different directions, this transition is feeling a bit hard this time round. I got tears in my eyes as I pulled away from the school. I felt so oddly alone after so much togetherness with the kids and upteen other great people all summer long. These kids are getting so big. I'm working my way out of a job bit by bit. They don't need me as much in some ways. They're so fun to have around. The house feels so empty without them. But it's all good.

And I carved out time from the long long long list of Power of Moms tasks I've had to put off over the summer to make cookies and have them waiting for the kids when we got home after school pick up. I have to say it was an extra good batch (I made these - so moist and yummy - and sort of healthyish too...). And the kids had SO much to say as we enjoyed our cookies and milk (plenty of interrupting but somehow it all worked out OK).

Then I sat down one-on-one with each child and went over all the disclosure/curriculum information they brought home from their many teachers and talked to them individually about what they're excited about this year and what they're worried about and that sort of thing. Felt so good to do what I've meant to do every school year but haven't done as fully as I'd hoped - really spend some time getting things organized with each kid for each class. It's so tempting to put those piles of papers they bring home on the first day aside for a while. But it's so nice to just plow right in and get this done right off the bat.

Then for Family Home Evening, Jared gave each child a beautiful back-to-school blessing.

So we're off to a great start!


  1. You have a beautiful family (and I also love your front porch, by the way)! I'm glad to hear that the first day went well! My son starts kindergarten on September 9th, so I love hearing these school success stories as we embark on this new chapter.

  2. Thanks for sharing Saren, it has been fun watching your family grow up...

    Jenny Hatch

  3. alright! way to go looslis. that school is so nice!

  4. Your children are beautiful!

  5. SO happy to see this! It was almost as good as being there. Thanks for sharing and for creating this family history on your blog!

  6. SO happy to see this! It was almost as good as being there. Thanks for sharing and for creating this family history on your blog!

  7. it has been fun watching your family grow up Thanks for sharing with us Famous Play Schools in Hyderabad
