
Saturday, August 31, 2013

Beautiful Wedding and Ashton and Isaac's Tryouts

We were going to be up in Idaho this weekend. Our niece's wedding was Thursday up there and then we figured we'd enjoy the holiday weekend with family, boating, hanging out on the farm and all that good stuff.

But then things got extra busy and urgent at Jared's work.

So we drove up Wednesday night, enjoyed an action-packed day on Thursday going to the beautiful wedding, a great luncheon and an excellent reception, then drove home late Thursday night so Jared could be at work on Friday. Being there for all the wedding festivities and having time with family was totally worth the trip but that was sure an action-packed 24 hours (8 of which we were driving)!

The silver lining was that Ashton and Isaac were able to be at school on Friday. That way Isaac didn't have to miss cross country tryouts (since he was on the team last year, they were going to work out way for him to try out a different day since he was going to be out of town - but it was nice they didn't have to do that). And Ashton didn't have to miss his first volleyball team meeting. He made the team! We're so so so glad and so proud of him. We had our fingers crossed since it would be so fun for him to be part of a team and so good for him to have this opportunity to get a little "grittier" (see my recent post on grit) - but we hardly dared hope since he hasn't really played much volleyball before. Turns out he's got a knack for the sport - and being tall and coordinated and pretty quick to pick things up surely helps.

Here's a glimpse of the wedding:
Waiting for the bride and groom to come out of the temple: 
All five Loosli boys (with a couple photo bombers)


The weather changed several times while we were at the temple. These photos were all taken within a few minutes of each other. It was beautiful! And luckily the rain stayed off just long enough for great photos of the wedding party.


 The reception was at this beautiful old barn - such a lovely setting!

This was the view from the patio on the side of the barn. Look at those Tetons!

Really cool how they made chandeliers out of old farm equipment:

Loved how they found cool old doors and windows to use as decorations.

 And the food was on rough planks on top of old saw horses - perfect!

Congratulations Megan and Brett!


  1. How very fun! Fabulous post and pictures. What a barn! So glad you survived all that!

    Hooray for Ashton and volleyball! Can we assume that Isaac also made the team? Great year ahead!

  2. I love when you share pictures of trips to Aston. I live in St. Anthony and they are fun to see! In fact, I served for a year on our school board with Brian.

  3. Was that the Rexburg Temple? My father-in-law painted the murals in that temple. What a cool wedding reception! I loved the chandeliers!

  4. and YOUR Loosli brother is the most handsome one:)
