
Monday, January 13, 2014

A Puppy???

What would you do if you came out of church and saw a super cute puppy tied up to the stair rail there and three hours later, she was still there, shivering and hungry and seemingly abandoned? And the animal shelter was closed because it was Sunday? And no one around had any ideas of what to do with her?

Well, we had a puppy spend the night last night.

And when I called the animal shelter this morning, no lost dogs had been reported. They said we could bring the dog to them and they'd try to get her adopted.

But the twins' birthday is TOMORROW and their dearest wish for their birthday is to have the puppy stay just one more day.

How could I say no to this?

But we're really not set up for a dog - no fenced area in the back yard, no good place for the dog in the house, no idea how to train a puppy, no desire to deal with the messes and whining (off and on all night) and walks and destroyed property involved (this little girl wants to use those sharp baby teeth non-stop, it seems!). What would we do with a dog when we go out of town or go skiing for the day? What would I do with a dog whining and wanting my attention all day when the kids are at school and I need to get all my Power of Moms work done and run errands? And the kids are actually seeing that puppies are a LOT of work and they have very sharp little teeth when they're being playful. Having this dog for a couple days may be the perfect way to help the kids stop begging for us to get a dog . . .

So we've got the dog until the twins' birthday is over. Then she needs to go somewhere else. Do you know anyone who might want this very cute, sweet puppy!


  1. Anonymous5:45 PM

    That dog is so cute!!! How could someone just tir him up and leave him in the cold? Some people are just awful

  2. oh keep him! you'll fall in love and then all that stuff won't matter so much!

  3. Well, maybe the fact that you don't have a great yard for a dog is perfect. He'll stick around sometimes and sometimes not. Looks pretty cute>

  4. I think it's very kind of you to took the dog home with you! I will never understand how people can absond animals. :(

    I really like that you put thought into wether keeping the dog or not. An animal is no toy and kids are normally really quickly bored of things. Also, if you are not prepared for a dog and you dont really "want" one, you shouldnt keep it. Also dogs can be really expensive especially when they get sick, so you have to keep that in mind as well.

    So thumps up! :)

    PS: The dog IS really cute! :)

  5. Oh Saren,
    My heart goes out to the puppy. How incredibly sad and irresponsible that someone would leave this little guy behind. Thank you for offering him a temporary home in his hours of need. Also, I think your family was very wise in reaching the decision not to keep him. Having a dog is a big commitment and you are well aware of it.

    My husband and I adopted an orphaned dog last year. We love him lots and he brightens our every day. But then, we do not have any kids to look after :)

    Hopefully your little puppy will find a loving home.

  6. P.s. Please do not keep the puppy for too long just to make the kids happy. The dog will start forming emotional attachments with your family, thinking you guys are his new family. The longer you keep him, the harder it will eventually be for the dog. That said, your and your family are very kind and considerate in looking after him after having been abandoned.

  7. I may be interested in the puppy if you still have her. My email is rkstodds at gmail dot com. Do you know what kind of dog she is? She has such a sweet face.

  8. I think that is the best birthday present-especially since it's temporary!:)

  9. To Keri~ She looks a lot like my Brittany (Spaniel). But, not 100%. Absolutely a WONDERFUL, sweetest, craziest ever little girl. So much so, that 3 months ago we brought home another 8 week old puppy after losing our 2 year old puppy, a brittany, to an awful cancer not at all in that breed. They are so unique, but also crazy!! They are called the energizer bunny of dogs & they live life to the fullest. They keep you on your toes & laughing at the same time! That being said, that is good info for Saren & family. The dog would love that life of organized, happy chaos. They love activity, but not loud, craziness. When yelling at them, you can't yell. They upset easily & are very sensitive. Sorry for the long post, but I just love these girls & they joy for life. Good luck to all involved~no one will regret it! Karen

  10. Thanks for the supportive and helpful comments!

    Here's the end of the story. we placed an add online and found this sweet puppy a really great new home the day after the twins' birthday.

    We had like 30 people call/email about the dog within minutes of placing the ad and I ended up spending a lot of time on the phone interviewing people about their families, their fenced yards, their dog doors, their willingness to commit to getting the puppy proper and gentle training, etc. The kids reviewed my notes about everyone who I interviewed and together we decided on a family that seemed like a great fit.

    We all got to meet the people who came to pick up the dog and totally approved. The new owners said they'd text us photos any time and that we could meet up with them and see the dog whenever we want to do that (they're in Salt Lake though so it won't be often).

    Everyone felt great about everything in the end - but there were a few tears that afternoon as they lovingly played with the puppy for the last time and faced the reality of passing her on to someone new!

    We really had fun with the dog for those few days. And the kids decided dogs are a lot of work and understood fully the decision to send her to a home that would work better for her.
