
Friday, January 10, 2014

Fun at Grandma's House

After Christmas, we headed to Grandma's house up in Ashton, Idaho for a few days. We had a great time with Jared's family catching up on each other's lives, snowmobiling (sleds pulled behind snowmobiles are always a big hit), playing basketball at the church gym (even I played - and I think I'm actually not too terrible at basketball . . .we'll have to do this more!), and playing games that had us laughing to tears.

Here are some glimpses of our time in Idaho:

It was clear and gorgeous but COLD on those snowmobiles!

OK, how pretty are those Tetons? I can't get enough of the scenery in Ashton.

Opening presents from Grandma and gifts from cousins:

Cute Parker was pretty excited about all the puzzles Eliza carefully picked out for him and they had some fun doing some together.

Our kids love being with all their cool cousins and aunts and uncles at Grandma's house where there's always plentiful delicious food and tons of fun.

Here's Jared installing our gift to his mom - a new kitchen faucet. A woman who cooks so much for so many deserves a really great faucet!

Here's a shot Ashton got of the girls' team during Reverse Charades. We were all laughing so hard! We also played "signs" and "fruit basket." So much fun.

Cousins at church together

Eliza was so excited that Aunt Michelle took the time to do her hair in such a fun way - so she could match with her cousin!


  1. Love it! Beautiful scenery and beautiful people! Looks so fun!

  2. Where did you get eliza's red sweater?
