The trip was to southern CA where we had great times with both sides of our family. We attended Jared's neice Rachel's beautiful wedding and had a great time with a large portion of Jared's very large family playing on the beach and having a fun game night after the wedding. And we got to stay with my brother Noah and sister-in-law Kristi and their wonderful kids and meet their newest addtion - miracle baby Shelby who was born with a very rare and very serious heart condition and they were geared up for the worst but thanks to excellent doctors, innovative proceedures, and lots of faith and fasting and prayers, little Shelby Grace is doing remarkably well and is home and happy with her family.
Here are some of my favorite moments from the weekend - in photos and in words:
Rachel's wedding was absolutely beautiful - the setting, the ceremony, the bride, everything.
Rachel and Andrew seem like a wonderful match and it was so great to be with them and so many loved ones for this very special day.
Here's Jared's mom and 7 of her 9 children (sadly Joel and Jayne couldn't make it)
And here's the family with spouses included:
I'm so blessed to be part of the ownderful Loosli family.
The twins ran right into the water - 62 degrees seems like great beach weather to them.
Ashton, Isaac and Eliza joined their uncles and some cousins for a good volleyball game.
Here's the cheering section:
I went for a walk up and down the beach with the twins, checking out kelp and seashells. There's so much wonder at the beach.
And I played in the waves with my boys, running back and forth, following the receeding waves down and then running like crazy to see if we could keep the new wave from touching us. I loved running and laughing together and enjoying the ocean - the feel of the wet sand under our feet, the sound of the waves, the cool surprise of the water slapping your legs - it never gets old for me.
Then we grabbed burgers at good old In and Out and stayed up late playing Pounce and chatting at Bruce and Connie's house. Games with Looslis are aways a really great time.
On Sunday, we had a great day with Noah and family plus my sister Charity who came down from the Bay area for the weekend. We went on a nice long walk all over their lovely neighborhood and the kids played and played and played.
The most important part of our time with Noah and Kristi was meeting their new baby, Shelby Grace, who came into the world with a heart that wasn't really functional but who is doing miraculously well thanks to lots of faith and prayers and great innovative ideas from smart and devoted doctors. It was wonderful to meet her and hold her after we've all been fasting and praying for her for so long!
We got to see how she takes her special heart medicine. But other than medicine and the likelihood of further proceedures down the road, she's a normal, beautiful little baby.
I got to hang out and have great talks with some of my favorite people - Noah and Charity
And Kristi
Noah and Kristi have always been some of my biggest heroes (along with all my great family members on both sides of our family). Their stalwart faith and peaceful attitudes and solid hope and love have been beautiful things to watch through this whole crazy process with sweet Shelby.
Isaac taught Shelby a bit about Instagram:
Ashton and Bennet had big time fun together:
And Eliza and Lyla can never get enough of each other:
These three muskateers are SO cute together, coming up with all sorts of imaginative games and ideas, playing with Pokemon cards and making up Pokemon plays to act out, and spending a reasonable amout of time on the Wii.
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