Early in my parents' married life, they bought a chunk of wilderness in the middle of the Umatilla National Forest in Oregon. For as long as I can remember, my dad talked about the day we'd all go live there build a log cabin. He talked about how great it was going to be to live like our pioneer ancestors for a summer, to really commune with nature, and to make some amazing family memories as we worked hard together.
My mom said she was up for the adventure as soon as she didn't have a newborn. Finally, in 1986, when I was 15, the youngest, Eli, was 2 and it seemed like the right time to go build our cabin.
Here's the story in words and photos. There are great memories from several of my siblings and a bunch of journal entries as well.
(Sadly, we don't have a lot of photos and somehow the camera we had on the trip made a black triangle on all the photos - but something is better than nothing, right? I'm the one in the pink shirt below and Eli's eye is all swollen up from a bug bite. This photo was taken shortly before we left our 1/2 built cabin and returned to civilization for two years before coming back to finish it.)
Once a week, we'd drive for a hour or so to Walla Walla, WA or Pendleton, OR to enjoy some long and wonderful showers at a public swimming pool before swimming and to get groceries and supplies. How we looked forward to those trips into town!
Every day, we worked quite a lot on the cabin, but we also had a lot of time to explore and enjoy our beautiful surroundings. We hiked up the hill to what we called the "Grassy Knoll" that looked out over "Looking Glass Gorge." We established our own trails and found our own secret places. We spent hours climbing around in the Alder trees near our camp. And every night, our parents read to us around the campfire after dinner.
In the photo below, we've got the foundation in place and we're working together to put the next log on. Every time we put on a new log, my dad would yell for us and we'd come running to put our strength together and get a log in place. When we got to the higher level logs, we had to use a block and tackle as well as our combined strength. I remember my dad doing a lot of figuring and engineering to make it all work. He did use a chainsaw (something our ancestors would have loved to have had) but other than that, the cabin was built in a pretty authentic pioneer manner.

We set up a yellow dining fly (on the left a few photos up) where we ate our meals and had a tent for all the non-perishable foods (the brown one you can see beneath the yellow fly in the photo). We used PVC pipe to bring water from a spring nearby to the edge of the camp where we dug a deep square hole to use as a "refrigerator." All our perishable food simply floated around in the cold, cold spring water in that hole and it worked great.
We learned to cook on an old pioneer-era wood burning stove (wish I had a good photo of it but you can see the back of it under the dining fly above). Shawni and I were SO proud of ourselves when we figured out how to bake cookies on that thing, keeping the temperature nice and even and just right! We also did a lot of cooking over the campfire (my mom faithfully read and followed Diane Thomas's ideas from this book:
Shawni, Saydi and I shared a little tent called the "girls tent." We prided ourselves on keeping our tent nice and clean. Here are Shawni and Saydi in front of our girls' tent.
Then older boys had their tent (which grossed me out - all full of dirt and bugs - but they sure didn't care). My parents and the little kids slept in this teepee. To this day, I'm not quite sure why they went with a teepee but it was typical of my dad - eccentric and fun.
In the photo below, you can see how Dad looked most days - covered in sawdust and dirt. This particular day, he sooty because my brothers had been playing around in this huge awesome old hollow tree near our camp and had the brilliant idea of trying to light the cobwebs inside the tree on fire. They came running into the camp screaming that they'd set the tree on fire. My dad had to climb up inside the tree to throw the buckets of water that we brought to him up at the flames and sparks. After a while, he lost his footing and fell, breaking a rib. It was pretty darn scary and we were so grateful that the fire got put out and that my dad's injuries turned out to be manageable. He'd broken ribs before and knew there wasn't much he could do about it anyway so we all kept working!
Here's my dad and some friends helping put out the fire in the old hollow tree. See Josh there looking like he's been crying? He felt pretty bad about setting the tree on fire.
I have wonderful memories from that first month we spent in Oregon. Many of my memories are echoed by these memories my siblings put together:
In my opinion, Oregon was one of our very best family adventures. I brag about it all the time. I mean seriously, what 10 year old kid wouldn't love going to survive in the wilderness for a month in the summer. The whole idea felt like something out of a novel to me, so packed with adventure and romance. I remember really enjoying it at the time, but I think I've derived even more joy out of it as time has gone on. I think our adventures in Oregon really shaped a lot of who I am now. I'm not afraid of the outdoors, in fact, a big part of my heart is captured by wilderness. I still crave to go and be alone in with nature, to see great vistas, to wake up with dew on my forehead, to try to push back into time, to a simpler life. I've told my kids so many stories of Oregon that they all crave to go and try to brave the wilderness and simpler life too.
Here are some things that come to mind when I think of Oregon. I'm not sure which ones happened on which trip, they're all sort of muddled together into one big adventure.
- The way we made things work without the modern world. The awesome "fridge" we made piping in spring water with pvc pipe to drain into a big rectangular hole in the ground. I loved scooping up our milk from that cold pool and taking a drink. I remember trying to wash my hair quite a few times with that spring water, boy did that make your head feel hollow. I remember the first thing we did was to dig the outhouse hole. I thought it was so great how dad built up a little potty with a real seat for us to sit on. Mom fashioned a great little tarp around the potty and put in a real toilet paper dispenser. I remember being so interested in how it all worked, how we had to get Lie for the outhouse to keep the flies out maybe? I loved how we set up our tents. Girls tent, boys tent, van for little babies and then the Teepee for mom and dad. Seriously, that was weird. Why did they get a Tepee? I can just see dad getting that in his mind, that it would be cool to live in a Tepee and then going for it. Gotta love that Dad.
- I loved the way we ate there. The campfire dinners, cooking over that old wood burning stove, trying our best to make things that we'd make at home with such different tools. Something about having to make do with what we had and get creative really stuck with me. I still feel like I'm pretty good at doing that. We made cookies and cakes and bread in that wood burning stove. Mom made some delicious tin foil surprises over the fire. I remember learning to boil an egg over a fire and trying to cook things in the ground and on sticks and in our own little tin foil ovens.
- I love the little adventures mom and dad let us go on all by ourselves. I remember that Saren and Shawni and I got to go and camp overnight by ourselves on the Grassy Knoll. I don't think it was too far from the main campsite, but it felt like such an adventure. We made Mac and Cheese over a Coleman stove and pitched our own tent and had a great time, feeling all big and tough.
- I remember mom took us each on our own nature discovery walk. I remember her pointing out different animal foot prints. That's about all I can remember, but I'm sure she tried to engage me in all kinds of conversation as we walked. I remember feeling so excited that I got to go with her all by myself.
- The only real work I remember doing was stripping logs. It seems like Shawni and Saren and I did a lot of stripping bark off logs and I remember we always did it in our swimming suits so that we could get a nice dark tan. (Here's Shawni working on some logs.)

- I remember being so excited to go into town and swim. I remember being a little worried that all 9 of us were showing up as dirty as we were at the public pool, but feeling so relieved to be clean! I also remember taking quite a few solar shower showers. That little black bag didn't heat up the water too well, and the water pressure was severely lacking.
- I remember playing a lot in the woods. Climbing around on the alder trees and swinging in our pocket hammocks.
- I remember swinging with little Charity in the hammocks and singing her songs and teaching her all kinds of things. I spent a lot of time with Charity in those woods.

- The second time we went I had to wear a neck gear and I remember being so happy that I didn't have to see any of my friends and trying to wear it as often as I could to get those teeth moving before we got back home .
- I loved all the names we gave to the little places we discovered: The Grassy Knoll, The Looking Glass Gorge, the Hollow tree.
- I remember siting by the campfire when it was dark and having mom read to us. I remember loving that.
I remember climbing on the alder trees and being so happy to find that I could cross the whole patch of trees without touching the ground. The boys and I also found out that we could make quite good toilet seats on those branches.
I remember being sent to find the leaks in the PVC pipe and patching the holes make by varmints. One day I was asked to find where the leak had occurred and I literally stumbled upon a small litter of baby rabbits. The reason I found them was because I accidentally stepped on one of them. We took it home and nursed it back to health. Boy, I hope it made it because I remember it had a little blood coming out of its nose.
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Jonah climbing up the Mother-in-Law tree |
I remember scraping out old moldy tree stumps and making a basketball out of tape and other items so we could play basketball in the forest.
I remember hearing about bear sightings and that sort of scared me a bit.
I remember there was a girls camping night and a guys camping night in different parts of the forest. I felt like a grown boy on that camp out and was so happy to be there with my older brothers and Dad.
I remember mom making great breakfasts near the cabin under the dining fly.
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Noah with some fish he caught - our "kitchen" behind him |
I remember not needing shoes because I was "part of the forest" -- my feet were calloused and didn't need them.
I remember cutting down ferns with a stick in all of the open fields be because it was so fun and the ferns were so big!
I remember being really excited about pocket hammocks (through Josh) and tying them up everywhere.
I remember the refrigerator being a nice whole in the earth with the spring water running into it. i loved getting a cold milk gallon from the bottom and taking a drink. There always seemed to be some evergreen Fur needles in that cold, clear water.
Essie (our dog) would chase us when we were out on the dirt roads in the truck getting logs or going to town. She would run off into the deep forest and then all of the sudden he would pop back out onto to the road at dull speed with her tongue hanging out the side.
I remember lots of flies.
I remember loving to make the fire.
I remember how luscious I thought it was that we hauled in our own antique wood-burning stove. I became a great fire-starter because if i could start a good one in there, my chocolate chip cookies would come out well.
I remember washing dishes in big pans of water and trying to keep the camp clean.
I loved that we got to wander to and explore to our hearts content.
I remember that we had church up on the Grassy Knoll every week. I remember one week we bore our testimonies up there.
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church meeting at the "Grassy Knoll" |
I loved when we would make the trek to town for groceries and showers. I was always sure to make sure mom got all the ingredients for my chocolate chip cookies. Man, I think i based my life around those things!
I remember skinning a LOT of logs. And swimming in a pond. And loving the beauty but being VERY homesick.
Probably my most favorite memory was reading. Whether it was around the campfire with Mom with her velvety reading voice (I thought we read "Education of Little Tree" there??) or alone in the "girls' tent," I learned to love reading more in Oregon.
Ok, I just found my journal. Here's one entry:
The days are beginning to seem much longer. The schedule is usually the same: get up, use the outhouse, eat breakfast, pounding nails, rolling logs, etc., eat lunch, work some more, have dinner and go to bed. The mosquitoes are really out! I've got about 50 mosquito bites. I miss Salt Lake SO much.
To wash my hair, I do it in the spring. The water is SO ice-cold, but that the only way I can do it. It makes me feel as if I had 3 holes in my head and as if my brain was falling out of them.
We went back to Oregon to finish our cabin in 1988, right after I graduated from high school. I found my old journal from that 2-week stint and had Ashton type it up. Here's what I wrote:
June 16, 1988
Oregon is gorgeous and green and unbearably hot. The flies this year are absolutely innumerable. I hate flies. I swear they just love to bother us. And they're sticky flies. They won't just leave if you shake your arm, you have to literally scrape them off. Quite frankly, this afternoon, I felt like I'd had quite enough of the wilderness already and wanted SLC so bad! But this afternoon it rained and everything smells so fresh and new. I love rain, even when you're camping and it can be a pain. Mom and dad and most of hte boys are sleeping in the cabin nad it leaks badly. It doesn't have a roof yet so Dad put a tarp over it but it's so windy that the water blows right in. Shawni and I are safe and dry in our tent and Saydi and Char are in the van. It's about 9:30 at night now and it's POURING. I love the sound of rain on our tent. I hope we'll be left with some dry food in the morhing. I builkt a supply tent last night but I'm afraid it's not all that water tight...I'm so dirty! Everything is so dirty. I hate files but I love rain so it's OK. What other family would build a log cabin in the wilderness? This is sort of ridiculous but it's so good for us. Good night.
June 18th
It's dark in this tent so sorry if this is illegible. Today we went down to Jenna and Ben's house (our neighbors about a mile away) to swim in their pond. The water felt SO good. It was hot today but I think most of the flies got killed in the rain so it's much better. Dad's got 5 rafters on the roof frame now and we have 8 to go. The Wolfs are coming up on Monday. Yesterday we also went up to the Grassy Knoll and hiked over to the mother-in-law tree. It's so GORGEOUS. I love Looking Glass Gorge. Today Shawni and I went on a LONG hike and found the most lovely little water fall.
June 21
All but two of the rafters are up. Our cabin is actually beginning to look like something. Going into town the other day was SO nice. I've never enjoyed a shower more in my whole life - and a bed never felt quite so clean and nice. I'm afraid I've had it with sleeping in tents - I'v emoved into the van with Charity and she wakes up about 5 times a night but I feel more civilized sleeping off the floor.
Oregon's gorgeous but I must say I want to go home so bad. Actually, I just feel like I'm missing out on lost of things. I wish I was in Mazatlan with lots of my friends on the senior trip. And I wish I had a job waiting for me when I got home.
The Wolfs got here late last night. It's nice having them around. They really know how to camp and I'm afraid we don't.
Today we went to Jubilee Lake and most everyone went swimming. I didn't wear a swim suit because I thought the water was all slimey even though Dad said it wasn't. Sometimes I'm far too stiff-necked. I'd have had a far better time if I'd have been able to swim.
We're reading The Secret Garden around the campfire. I love that book.
Wed, June 22
Chauntel Sparks (my good friend from Bear Lake) is getting married in two days. How weird that one of my friends is actually getting married! I wish I could go to her reception. She's only 19. I think she'll be missing out on a lot of stuff. I have hundreds of things to do before I even think of getting married.
Today we got the roof on almost all the way. Most of the plywood's on - just the tar paper and tin left to go. This flashlight is almost gone. I'm so sick of flashlights.
Charity's a pain but she's awfully cute sometimes. She gets into EVERYTHING and is constantly filthy dirty. Eli's is so funny. He's constantly concerned about what he's wearing, even up here. On the other hand, Tam (Talmadge) has only changed his clothes about once since the trip began. I bet you'd have to scrape the dirt off him.
Shawni and I always have such a good time together I'll miss her a huge amount next year when I'm in Boston. We are absolutely obnoxious sometimes and it's SO much fun. We sang 50's songs from Stand by Me all day today and everyone's sick of us but somehow that doesn't matter. Dad's being a bit of a male shovenist lately. We won't let me and Shawni pound in nails or help on the roof. We can only hand him nails, scrape off bark, carry plywood over to him and do other demeaning tasks. We told him we were sick of it. He says tomorrow we can be his "big helpers." Somehow, it doesn't sound that promising. I guess I'll wait and see what happens. I'm perfectly capable of doing all sorts of things Dad won't even let me try. I'm fed up.
This world is so beautiful and so diverse. The ferns are all uncurling now and Oregon's gorgeous. If we only had a little plumbing and electricity. We get to go home on July 2nd. I'm afraid I'm counting the days. Dad might stay another week with the boys.
June 24th
Chauntel got married today. I hope she's happy. She's going to Hawaii on her honeymoon.
The roof's on -- well, the rafters are up, and the plywood's on and the tar paper's tacked on one side. It's starting to look like a real little cabin.
Shawni and I are building a railing to close in the loft in the cabin. It's hard, primarily because we're extremely inexperienced in carpentry. Dad made fun of us and we laughed with him for a while, but it really made us feel bad. He won't let us help with the roof, but he'll let Tom and Jonah help. So we tried to find something useful and less high-up to do -- the railing. And he tells us it's just not going to work -- we should just give up, I wish he wouldn't act that way. We didn't give up. We worked on it for three hours and it was half done. We'll finish it tomorrow.
I can't wait for Sunday! We get to go into town. Mom and Dad have to be near a phone Sunday nights so they can call KSL and do their radio show. Lask week we stayed at the Comfort Inn in Walla Walla and we get to stay there again this time. It's so nice, at least in comparison to out humble campground here in the heart of the Umatila Forest.
I think it's gorgeous here but I want to go home badly! If I can just hold out 8 more days I'll be home. I think I'm standing this a lot better than most people would have but I've had just about enough. I want a bathroom. The outhouse hole is very nearly full.
Well, good night.
June 26
It rained all day yesterday. Saydi, Shawni, and I worked on our railing for about 3 hours and got it finished. I think it looks rather good.
We spent the majority of the afternoon reading The Secret Garden and cooking muffins and cookies in our little wood stove. We've really learned how to make things cook on that ancient stove, but using it really makes me wonder how my great great grandmothers could have cooked 3 meals a day, every day on such a primitive piece of engineering. We all had to stay indoors all day. It was a real exersise in family togetherness. Now I really appreciate having somewhere warm and dry to go when its cold and wet outside. The roof is not yet covered w/ tar paper so it leaks quite seriously.
This morning it rained a bit more and we had church under the lining fly. It's sort of nice having church with just our family. After church we got our stuff together and headed into town. We had reservations at the Comfort Inn but they canceled our reservations because Essie wet in one of the rooms. Dad was pretty mad. We're staying at an "Imperial 400 motor inn" which is definitely a demotion, but it does have showers, clean sheets, and a swimming pool -- our basic requirements. I'm totally sick of the wilderness. My hair feels so wonderfully clean!
Shawni & I had to watch all of the kids at the pool while mom and dad called in for the radio show. We've got so many loud, small, troublesome, funny, cute kids in our family. I sort of hate babysitting them.
We went to dinner at this steak house and an old, rother senile man tried to give dad $5.00 "for the children". We could hardly keep from laughing. I must say, dad looks like he could use $5.00. He has a scraggly beard and the only clothes he bought up here are stained and torn and rather poverty-stricken. His perm's gone out and his hair is too long. I suppose the $5.00 was a kind-hearted offer, but the whole episode was rather hilarious.
Dad and I got in a big argument tonight -- he said I was using a disrespectful tone of voice, and I didn't think I was or that ir was something to have a huge argument about. We ended up having a really good talk about lots of things I was worried about -- not having a job, not having money, not being really good at anything in particular. I think dad and I are so much alike that sometimes we have a hard time communicating. Well, tons of laundry and shopping to do tomorrow. Good night.
June 28
I can't believe the weather! Today was freezing. The sun only came out for about an hour late in the afternoon. It's so miserable to be cold and have absolutely no where to go to get warm. It's supposed to get down to 32 degrees tonight, Ollie says and it's pouring with rain right now. We're using every blanket, coat, and sweater we brought up here. Last time we were here it didn't rain at all and it was unceasingly hot, It's lucky we even brought warm stuff this time.
Yesterday we did all the laundry at the speed wash. We used 5 washers and I'm afraid all they did was shift the dirt around a lot. We went grocery shopping and bought some "antiques" at a professed antique store, ideal thing for the cabin, We got an old sideboard w/ flower and sugar bins and drawers and a pull-out chopping board and we found an old chest trunk with drawers in it to sit on and store stuff in and a rocking chair, a frying pan, a couple kettles, and some old bellows and books.
Shawni, Saydi and I are building shelves, The cabin's starting to look really homey and quite authentic. It was cold yesterday too. This flashlight's gone, I hope it doesn't get too cold tonight! Good Night.
Rain on a
Tin roof
Lulling to sleep
But it's cold
And wet
And there's
No where
At all
To be warm.
Maybe the cold
is lonely
Perhaps that
is why
it whips
about me
with wet
June 30
The end of June. I'm nearly 18. I just don't feel that old. It seems like I graduated absolutely ages ago. I really miss my friends -- and it hurts to know that I'll probably never see most of them again. I'm not old enough to be going away to college!
Day after tomorrow we go home, at least the girls and mom do. Dad's staying until he gets the cabin all closed in. Tomorrow Dad's going into Walla Walla to get lots of windows. Almost the whole upstairs will be windows so it'll be light and airy.
Yesterday it was absolutely freezing so we went into Pendleton to visit Ollie and see his llamas and do various errands. Ollie wasn't home, but we saw his llamas. They're the most curious animals, so gentle and quiet looking. They have the thickest, softest wool and the thickest lashes around their deep, kind eyes. I think a llama would make an excellent pet, but I suppose we have enough pets; 7 cats, 1 dog, lots of fish, about 5 gerbils, 1 turtle, and 1 horse. I might forget their names so here they are: Pearl is the cat, Greaseball, Dinah, Ashley, Rusty, Electra, Geneva. The dog is Lady Esmerela McKnight (Essie) The rabbit is Cossette, the turtle is Bubba, horse is Banner and I don't know the rest.
Excuse the detour. Anyway, yesterday afternoon we went to see "Willow" and I thought it was an excellent movie. I love fairy-tale type movies, full of wholesome fantasy.
After the movie we drove past a Travel Lodge with a pool and every one of us started begging Dad to let us stay overnight. It was freezing (the flashlight just died) [words are large and far apart] He protested for a while but upon learning that Wimbledon men's finals would be on he finally gave in. The joy of clean sheets, showers, and warmth after our two weeks of wilderness and especially our two days of absolute misery in the cold is inexpressible We all watched Madonna starring in "Who's That Girl" on HBO and decided Madonna is very strange and somewhat disgusting -- a sad Marilyn Monroe wannabe. This morning we returned to the wilderness and Shawni, Saydi, and I finished the shelves and I like them lots. Good Night.
Velvet or
warm or cold
security to some
a tiger underneath
your bed,
who wants to
gobble up
your feet.
July 3, 1998
I'm home. I'm sitting on my beautiful clean bed in this big, wonderful house. I'm writing by the light of a real lamp the works on electricity and just down the hall there is a bathroom equipped with full-fledged plumbing! I absolutely love this house, and every time I come home from a trip I love it more. I'll miss it. It's sort of funny that an inanimate object can hold such fond memories and warmth similar to that usually found only in living creatures.
Friday we packed all day and I spent about two hours thinking between the logo. Mom and planned to leave Sat. after lunch but we convinced her that leaving after breakfast was a far superior idea. Sat we got away at about 10:30 am and drove for a long time. Dad just kept the 3 biggest boys so there were seven of us in the van. To most of the U.S., 6 kids is a lot, but it seemed as if the can was practically empty.
We had planned to stay in Burley, ID but after much driving around and a lot of frustration we discovered that there were just no vacancies in Burley or even in the next town, Some of the places we looked at were pretty scary. We were desperate. We ended up eating in Burley, then driving on to wherever we could find somewhere to stay. It was getting dark and I drove, mom was really tired. From Burley to Ogden there is precious little. We drove on and on. Maybe I'll build a motel on that lifeless endless strip of highway some day.
We finally found an Inn at Tremonton at about 1:00 am. We all fell into bed and woke up and nine this morning. This morning we tried to watch the men't finals at Wimbledon on TV but it got rained out. We watched part of Steffie and Martina's final match. I'm so glad Stoffie won this year! Now if she wins the U.S. Open she'll win the grand slam. She is SO GOOD. we're watching Bons Becker play Stephan Edberg in their delayed men's finals match tomorrow morning. I wish I was in England! I want London and Wimbledon and Mustcals!
Well, we got home around one and went to the 12th Ward's sacrament meeting at 4. It was nice to go to real church. I have to get a job within the next few days.
Christine came up for a while. I just love Christine! Our baby kittens are getting so big! Well, Good night.
A certain
Overcomes all
That is old
And warm
When it is
seen again
and the
Heart shines
and shifts
Home again.
Lulling to sleep
But it's cold
And wet
And there's
No where
At all
To be warm.
Maybe the cold
is lonely
Perhaps that
is why
it whips
about me
with wet
June 30
The end of June. I'm nearly 18. I just don't feel that old. It seems like I graduated absolutely ages ago. I really miss my friends -- and it hurts to know that I'll probably never see most of them again. I'm not old enough to be going away to college!
Day after tomorrow we go home, at least the girls and mom do. Dad's staying until he gets the cabin all closed in. Tomorrow Dad's going into Walla Walla to get lots of windows. Almost the whole upstairs will be windows so it'll be light and airy.
Yesterday it was absolutely freezing so we went into Pendleton to visit Ollie and see his llamas and do various errands. Ollie wasn't home, but we saw his llamas. They're the most curious animals, so gentle and quiet looking. They have the thickest, softest wool and the thickest lashes around their deep, kind eyes. I think a llama would make an excellent pet, but I suppose we have enough pets; 7 cats, 1 dog, lots of fish, about 5 gerbils, 1 turtle, and 1 horse. I might forget their names so here they are: Pearl is the cat, Greaseball, Dinah, Ashley, Rusty, Electra, Geneva. The dog is Lady Esmerela McKnight (Essie) The rabbit is Cossette, the turtle is Bubba, horse is Banner and I don't know the rest.
Excuse the detour. Anyway, yesterday afternoon we went to see "Willow" and I thought it was an excellent movie. I love fairy-tale type movies, full of wholesome fantasy.
After the movie we drove past a Travel Lodge with a pool and every one of us started begging Dad to let us stay overnight. It was freezing (the flashlight just died) [words are large and far apart] He protested for a while but upon learning that Wimbledon men's finals would be on he finally gave in. The joy of clean sheets, showers, and warmth after our two weeks of wilderness and especially our two days of absolute misery in the cold is inexpressible We all watched Madonna starring in "Who's That Girl" on HBO and decided Madonna is very strange and somewhat disgusting -- a sad Marilyn Monroe wannabe. This morning we returned to the wilderness and Shawni, Saydi, and I finished the shelves and I like them lots. Good Night.
Velvet or
warm or cold
security to some
a tiger underneath
your bed,
who wants to
gobble up
your feet.
July 3, 1998
I'm home. I'm sitting on my beautiful clean bed in this big, wonderful house. I'm writing by the light of a real lamp the works on electricity and just down the hall there is a bathroom equipped with full-fledged plumbing! I absolutely love this house, and every time I come home from a trip I love it more. I'll miss it. It's sort of funny that an inanimate object can hold such fond memories and warmth similar to that usually found only in living creatures.
Friday we packed all day and I spent about two hours thinking between the logo. Mom and planned to leave Sat. after lunch but we convinced her that leaving after breakfast was a far superior idea. Sat we got away at about 10:30 am and drove for a long time. Dad just kept the 3 biggest boys so there were seven of us in the van. To most of the U.S., 6 kids is a lot, but it seemed as if the can was practically empty.
We had planned to stay in Burley, ID but after much driving around and a lot of frustration we discovered that there were just no vacancies in Burley or even in the next town, Some of the places we looked at were pretty scary. We were desperate. We ended up eating in Burley, then driving on to wherever we could find somewhere to stay. It was getting dark and I drove, mom was really tired. From Burley to Ogden there is precious little. We drove on and on. Maybe I'll build a motel on that lifeless endless strip of highway some day.
We finally found an Inn at Tremonton at about 1:00 am. We all fell into bed and woke up and nine this morning. This morning we tried to watch the men't finals at Wimbledon on TV but it got rained out. We watched part of Steffie and Martina's final match. I'm so glad Stoffie won this year! Now if she wins the U.S. Open she'll win the grand slam. She is SO GOOD. we're watching Bons Becker play Stephan Edberg in their delayed men's finals match tomorrow morning. I wish I was in England! I want London and Wimbledon and Mustcals!
Well, we got home around one and went to the 12th Ward's sacrament meeting at 4. It was nice to go to real church. I have to get a job within the next few days.
Christine came up for a while. I just love Christine! Our baby kittens are getting so big! Well, Good night.
A certain
Overcomes all
That is old
And warm
When it is
seen again
and the
Heart shines
and shifts
Home again.