So Ashton had his first Pinewood Derby for Scouts. He and Jared made a remarkably good car, especially given that they did it in only 2 days (Jared was out of town and then was super sick but still pulled it off!). The car was modeled after "Kit," the car on Knight Rider - anyone remember that show from way back when. I guess it was one of Jared's favorite new shows and now there's a new version which is Ashton's favorite show - a show about a robot car that talks and can change colors while driving - pretty much the coolest thing ever in Ashton's book. Anyway, the car did great - won 2 out of 4 heats and Ashton got a couple trophies and came in first among the Cub Scouts. Go Ashton and Kit! The whole event was extra fun since Grammie and Grandfather were able to be there (on their way back to SLC from meetings in Vegas). Ashton was SO pleased they could come.

Earlier this week, on their way TO Vegas, Mom and Dad very bravely and very successfully took all our kids and Ana and Cam out to dinner and a movie (Horton Hears a Who) and they all had the time of their lives. It was the twins' first movie in a movie theater and they very excitedly told me and Jared all about the plot of the show when they got home - so cute to see them try to describe the bigness and wonder of the thing while using their limited vocabulary to share what it was about - "Da MEAN kangaroo try to HURT da teeny people. Da Elfant try to HELP da teeny people. Da BAD BAD birdy trow da flower DOWN!..."
I love seeing my parents with my kids. They always show the kids such a good time. There's total craziness when dad's around - helping them do all sorts of silly things and making up imaginative games and stories for them. And when Mom's around, the kids love telling her all sorts of things and seeing her really be interested and feeling her total love for them. What great grandparents these kids have!

Jared's been sick sick sick with this weird chills and fever, toxic snot and sore throat sickness that kept him up many nights (and consequently kept me up here and there). Poor guy! The sickness is finally pretty much gone. The tough guy hardly took any time off work - so much going on there right now as they start up a new brokerage arm of the company and deal with the neverending issues that arise. Plus he tried to do what he could to help me out with my crazy week including a PTA meeting, a big fancy etiquette dinner for the youth that I was partly in charge of, the Pinewood Derby and a series of baptisms and parties the kids needed to attend yesterday. We made it through somehow!
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